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    東北區 Klemzig 招租, $125 全包, 萬勿錯過

    poonyh28 发表于 6-12-2013 22:59:30
    451 1


    $125 per week.
    Any gender, any culture are welcome.

    The house is fully furnished. Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning and heating in all bedrooms. Separate dining and lounge. Share bathroom. A big kitchen. Space for 2 cars under the carport. Sheltered entertaining area (Include with a table football) out the back.

    2 Bedrooms are available now, bring a friend so you can live together. The bedrooms are fully furnished include with a study desk, a bed, wardrobe, draws, mirror etc. $125 per week which include with the bills such as: unlimited Internet, water, gas, electricity. Bond is 2 weeks rent in advance and 12 months contracts are preferred.

    The house is located in north-eastern suburb, Klemzig. It is a very safe suburb in Adelaide. The house is extremely close to the bus stop (Stop 20), it takes 1 min walk from the house, catch the 281 bus to the city (15-20 mins). The bus comes every 15 mins during peak times and every 30 mins off peak. There are some small shops and recreation reserve/park near to the bus stop. If you can't catch the bus or miss the bus, you may walk to Klemzig Interchange(10 mins) which allows you take M44, C1, C2, G40 the Obahn track into the city.

    If you are interested in living this house, don’t hesitate to call me for further discussion or ask anything about the house. Please contact me on 0402 933 436 at any time and we can arrange a time for inspection.

    We Chat ID: poonyh28

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