Books for Master of Accounting and Finance
1. For Auditing and Assurance Services
CPA Auditing Assurance and Ethics Handbook 2010 $25
2. For Intermediate Financial Reporting
CPA Accounting handbook 2010 $25
Issues in financial accounting 13th $50
3. For Management Accounting
Management Accounting 5e $35
中文书 管理会计 $8
4. For Options, Futures and Risk Management
Options futures and other derivatives 6th $25
中文书 期权 $15
5. For Fixed Income Securities
中文书 债券市场分析和策略 $20
5. For Principles of Finance
fundamentals of financial management 12th $50
中文书 财务管理基础 $20
6. For Equity Valuation and Analysis
中文书 投资估价 $20
if interested in any of these email me at [email protected]
Contact: 043 086 8766
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