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      [其他] Glenunga Social Badminton

      Kai46740901 发表于 23-3-2020 21:08:36 来自手机
      3844 0



      Hello to all .

      The Gymnasium at the Glenunga International High School is not what was outlined by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison.The Prime Minister Scott Morrison was talking about Gymnasiums that are Health Care Centres for Weight Training, Palates, Fitness Equipment such as treadmills, mountain climbers, spas, pools and other equipment that keeps you fit.

      The Gymnasium at the Glenunga International High School is 960 square metres of space which will allow for up to 40 players to play badminton safely.If we all practice a safe distance of 1.5 metres and do not touch one another the chance of catching the Covid-19 Virus is extremely unlikely.

      So if you would like to come and play badminton the Club will provide sanitiser and enforce a safe distancing protocol of 1.5 metres.

      For your safety and health well being or if you have any of the symptoms please stay home and isolate for 14 days.

      Your club respects your choice and promotes a safe practice approach.

      The Glenunga Social Badminton Club will be open normally on Monday and Thursdays from 6.30 - 10.30pm and Wednesdays from 7.30 - 10.30 pm.

      Please stay safe and we all look forward to seeing you soon.

      If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the crew on Facebook which Glenunga Social Badminton Club Ken.

      With kind regards.

      The Glenunga Social Badminton Crew

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