标题: 最新爆炸消息,今年的GSM配额已用完,要等新的financial year了. [打印本页] 作者: 昨夜星辰 时间: 30-3-2010 14:58 标题: 最新爆炸消息,今年的GSM配额已用完,要等新的financial year了. 转自滴答网: 来自移民官的信,
Every year the Migration program is only able to approve a certain amount
of visa applications, we have now met that limit in the GSM program and
unfortunately even though your application is close to being finalised Iam
not going to be able to clear it until the new financial year in July 2010.作者: a1148922 时间: 30-3-2010 20:51
楼主你就掰吧,啊作者: 衛蘭 时间: 31-3-2010 00:53
澳洲每年都有移民配额啊~~谁说没限制?作者: abc809xww 时间: 31-3-2010 11:26
请问楼主可以给个原始的链接吗? 谢谢!!作者: 阿德莱德礼品屋 时间: 2-4-2010 16:17
路过帮顶路过帮顶作者: 昨夜星辰 时间: 6-4-2010 16:57
Thank you for your email. Nothing further is required from you at this time. Please note that yourapplication is still undergoing routine processing and I anticipate thatyour application will be finalised within the next 3-4 months. Our officewill be in contact again when the processing is complete. Kind Regards,