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标题: 低价出售阿大Master of accounting & finance教材和学习资料 [打印本页]

作者: bayley612    时间: 23-2-2015 01:14
标题: 低价出售阿大Master of accounting & finance教材和学习资料

出售阿大Master of accounting & finance教材和学习资料:(单买每科电子版资料一份$5)


•      Accounting Concepts andmethods,, Principle Of Finance, Business communication电子版资料, 包括:textbook,tutorial& workshop, Final sample & Feedback资料

•      QuantitativeMethods原版书$25,送电子版资料

•      POF中文版(8th edition)$20

l  IFRtextbook:Issuesin Financial Accounting (IFR)----14th edition. $ 50 (内容几乎一样,可放心使用)附送整理笔记电子版,每周wiki,quiz题库,ethic题目,历年考试样卷和feedback)

l  Information systems(IS)包含所有tutorial详细答案以及 平时两次选择题题库电子版资料,期末闭卷简答题复习资料

l  Equity Valuation & Analysis(EVA) 包含Tutorial, sample以及平时作业电子资料.

l  Economic Principles(EP)tutorial完整版资料以及其他期中期末考试卷子包含上届例题,附赠其他资料

l  Corporate Law: Assignment资料,tutorial+ finalnotes和重点总结

l  Management Accounting: tutorial 答案, sample, assignment资料

l  Advanced Financial Accounting (AFA) textbook:Company accounting (9th edition)  $60  附送电子版所有相关资料

l  Income tax: 考试带进考场必备Coretax Legislation and study guide(17th edition) Australian Taxation Law( 24thedition) ,IncomeTax Law Study Guide 三本130刀, 送相关电子资料

l  金融专业选修教材: Financial statement analysis textbook(10thedition)$65

l  全新【CFA】level 1 Schweser Study Notes 整套。全新,100刀

包含以下资料: 总7本书+公式表

【学习笔记】2015Schweser Study Notes(5本内外全彩)(书本)

  BOOK 1   Ethical and ProfessionalStandards, and Quantitative Methods

  BOOK 2  Economics3

  BOOK 3  Financial Reporting andAnalysis" f' i' W" T0 F* w

  BOOK 4  Corporate Finance,Portfolio Management, and Equity Investment

  BOOK 5  Fixed Income, Derivatives,and Alternative Investments4 M! G6 L! J0 B5 W% L

【公式列表】2014CFA Schweser,Quicksheet(独立全彩色三折页版), ]- ^: N5 w. P- u" ~$ `

【MOCK试题】2014CFA  MOCK  exam

【道德手册】2014CFA Practice Handbook,11th ed'


Tel:0450559688 (买书短信联系,谢谢)


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