I cant remeber how long I spent on the airline.My mood was tossing all the time,from the lofty sentiments and high aspirations to be lost in mind.Before boarding the plane,I said goodbye to my families.I could see the tears in my mum's eyes,I dare not to see this anymore,I hurried to turn around and went to the departure gate,as I wantted to owe my mum these kilos of tears.In China,I always hear about how crowded the train station is,that day I happened to an interesting situation in the airport.About 20 people were standing before the departure gate.As a result,I couldn't enter.I guess all of the people are the girl's relatives.I heared someone talking like this:What are you doing?Stop pushing me!Haven't you ever seen this moved picture of kindness? The answer came as a surprise:That is my daughter.Let me see her!!! |