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    [精华分享] 新移民必看,Advertiser排出阿德莱德十大最适宜居住SUBURBS

    Mr.Property 发表于 17-3-2010 01:32:37
    回复 8# hanson214

    i do not totally agree with the list above. but when you say "从上面数下来,那个是好区”no offense, but that statement reflects your lack of knowledge of local property market. i strongly suggest you do some research of some of the area mentioned above, if you are to invest in property in the neear future. The term "Most Liveable" does not mean most expensive, it has to include various factors, such as access to shopping, transport, environment,medical facilities,EDUCATION and much more. that is why Melbourne is rate the Most liveable city in the world alongside with Vancouver,many people do not know, Adelaide is actually rated the 8th most liveable in the world.
    Back to the topic of liveable surburb, it all depends on are you student/single/married/young family/young couple/young professional/retiree ,how much you earn and what is important for you in your daily living, i personally do not agree with some of the surburb listed above such as Mclaren vale(could be good if you are looking for a place to retire),while the rest of the surburb has got their own reasons to be listed on the list. Everybody rate their top 10 surburb differently according to what is important to them. i briefly explain why are these surburb is listed. but i definitely DO NOT agree with glenalta is rated as no.1.

    St Peters: one of the highest median price surburb in adelaide, where you will find average house price is around the 900,000 mark, the better character and condition house will fetch more than 1.0m, new dwelling will definitely fetch more than 1.2million. leafy surburb, where highly educated elite group, such as top doctors and lawyers live there, close to st peters college, pembroke, TOP school in ADELAIDE. so close to norwood as well 5 minutes to city.

    Rostrevor: adjacent to magill, tranmere. 15minutes drive to city, close to good school, norwood morialta high school zone. you got really nice people living here, average median price should be around 450,000, but if you look beyond stradbroke road, you have to pay 700,000 above, 1.0m for luxury dwelling with city views.

    grange: does not come cheap anymore, since henley beach, glenelg has all become so expensive, but still consider to be one of the more affordable beachside surburb. close to beach, 15minutes to city, cafe and restaurant strip nearby. jetty as well, where  you can 钓螃蟹哈

    modbury: one of the most affordable surburb within 15km from CBD, close to modbury hospital, Tea tree plaza shopping centre, recorded one of the highest growth in median value 2009, if i am not wrong about 30% growth in median price.

    semaphore: adjacent to port adelaide, one of the cheapest seaside surburb still in adelaide. but try to buy something at esplanade, i guaranteed you will pay close if not more than $1m.. considering the propsect of port adelaide to transform to another satelite city, major military project going on at OSBORN, the entire area including exeter, largs bay, taperoo, north heaven will become very vibrant in the near future, a lot of medium class will be moving in, also investors, trying to gain from the reaping effect of port adelaide re-development. semaphore road, has all shopping and restaurant cafe, although it is not the best if you compare to jetty road of brighton or glenelg. in fact, median price at semaphore has double up in the past 3 years, greater than port adelaide :) in conclusion, western surburb is going to boom like anything due to focus of local and federal government projects in the area.

    prospect: multi cultural surburb, prospect road will another major shopping street, with cafe and restaurant coming up, and its close to north adelaide, but stay away from the kilburn side prospect,also beyond regency road. kilburn is over multicultural, most middle eastern people live there. right hand side of prospect road is basically the better choice. close to city as well.

    sefton park: again close to cbd, and it is adjacent to broadview and nailsworth, where you will find lots of nice character home. close to sefton plaza as well, convinient for shopping and transportation. below sefton park is Enfield, which is more affordable, but 很乱,too many indian students who goes mawson lake campus live at enfield, blair athol.

    所以以后如果您要分析区域,请考虑我以上说的因素,不要听谁谁谁说.. 如果想增进知识只有不停学习,你也可以多看杂志,但还是要靠自己分析。像以上所谓排名其实是个人观点,每个人都有他们自己觉得重要因素,我个人综合投资及理想居住环境及负担能力来排名。 以下是小弟自己觉得的理想自住好区,虽然有些区难免太贵。

    1. Norwood,Rose park(贵,但人均收入最高,高素质邻居)
    2.North Adelaide(入门级60万,但会不断地涨)
    3.marden,payneham, walkerville
    4.tooraks garden,burnside(老牌好区富人区,大树林立,绝对舒服,老人多)
    5.kensington gardens, kensington(近norwood,超方便)
    6.hindmarsh(虽然有工业,但是潜力无限,相信工业都要走的)mile end,torrensville
    7.kurralta park (介于海边与市区中心,房价也极具负担得起,相比它对面几个区显得低估了它的价值),glandore,plympton
    8.brighton (最理想海滨区,没有glenelg的那种旅游区的喧哗), somerton park(去年暴涨,因为brighton已经很贵)
    9.tranmere,rostrevor, magill,wattle park(很成熟的区,但稳健上涨)
    10.unley,parkside,hyde park,wayville, goodwood.(inner city surburb, close to unley shopping precint and king william road cafe restaurant and boutique shopping)
    11.fullarton,highgate,glenunga,myrtle bank(被低估价值的南边超好区,近city,尤其highgate,myrtle bank,豪宅值得投资)
    12.marion,seacombe gardens,edwardstown (high affordability, close to marion shopping centere, flinders uni, medical center)


    相信大家都知道未来几年西边才是投资首选。port road 边上的区都值得投资,别去想什么越南区,投资不是你自己住 :)新区st clair 已近动了,很快附近都要飞。  简单的说哪里建设施往那里投钱去。要说西边房产说半天都说不完。东北边,klemzig, windsor gardens,gilles plains, hill crest 也是高涨值区。 还可负担。 但要快。。

    北边投资回报太久,别去什么adrew farm之类的区买楼花, 别被蒙了。。除非你愿意等十年。  

    好了,以上只是小弟愚见,不含任何商业价值,如想交流心得给我发邮件吧 johnsone@pmpaus.com
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    bigw 发表于 17-3-2010 02:08:32
    回复 23# Mr.Property

    MR. Property说的很在理.  对所列的几个区的分析都很公证. 对一些我自己住过的区能找到认同点.

    还有个问题, MR. Property你对"Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre"这一大片正在开发的地,有什么见解呢. 很想听听.
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    Mr.Property 发表于 17-3-2010 02:54:53
    回复 24# bigw

    36,000 平的那片吧。。。 是不是fooland av 和 hamstead rd 的那一块? 如是的话,据我所知之前south australia land corporation 对投标者其中的一个条件是开发"affordable housing". 这是它们向我发的资料。that location is near to lighsview, northgate. i personally have some reserved on northgate, even its a "not bad" location to live in. its not near to shopping center, and all traffic travelling to city can only travel via north east road, which make it extremely congested area. lack of greenny environment as well, however, considering the prospects, it should be ok as it is near to lightsview, but still need to look at the bigger scope and nature of the project, see what are they developing as a whole. how many dwelling is going into the block etc
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    钻石男女 发表于 17-3-2010 21:03:48
    回复 23# Mr.Property

        请问 ST CLAIR  在哪里  是 Woodville Rd 上吗  
    大家 都说买新房比较 好   去哪里 或者 什么网站 可以 看到新房
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    Mr.Property 发表于 17-3-2010 22:56:06
    回复 27# 钻石男女

    是的。 你是阿华 ? realestate.com.au 就可以找房啦。
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    Sinner 发表于 17-3-2010 22:58:59
    我新家在HILTON了~ 还没住过去呢。
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     楼主| batigol 发表于 18-3-2010 00:31:14
    Suburb   4Q 2008 4Q 2009 Change

    GLENALTA   462,500   415,000 -10.27%

    CUMBERLAND PARK   472,500   512,500 8.47%

    ROSTREVOR  460,000   470,000 2.17%

    Sefton Park 没找到

    SEMAPHORE  409,000   560,000 36.92%

    GRANGE  557,500  572,500 2.69%

    MODBURY 310,000   325,000 4.84%

    MCLAREN VALE  330,000  330,000 0.00%

    ST.PETERS   861,250   892,500 3.63%

    PROSPECT  480,000   550,500 14.69%
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     楼主| batigol 发表于 18-3-2010 00:32:23
    我新家在HILTON了~ 还没住过去呢。
    Sinner 发表于 2010-3-17 23:58

        HILTON 1 375,000 4 415,000 10.67%
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    Yawn 发表于 18-3-2010 10:12:56
    回复 13# cleopatra

    这里指嘚prospect应该是fitzroy terrace上那些房吧,越南区在西北,prospect在正北
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    Yawn 发表于 18-3-2010 10:15:18
    我现在只对brumpton和modbury那里感兴趣,但是teatree作为工作来说有点过远了,每天north east rd上一堵就郁闷肋
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