本帖最后由 kelvintoh 于 2014-7-29 20:20 编辑
大三 year 3
Corporate Accounting with handbook 2014 $100 BEST PRICE IN TOWN Condition 9.5/10 上学期刚用Leo,K., Hoggett, J., and Sweeting, J., Company Accounting, 9th Edition, 2012, J. Wiley and Sons, Australia.
Corporate Accounting without handbook $70 condition 8.5/10 Leo,K., Hoggett, J., and Sweeting, J., Company Accounting, 9th Edition, 2012, J. Wiley and Sons, Australia. Corporate Investment strategy $85 condition 9/10 Ross, S., R. Westerfield, J. Jaffe and B.Jordan, Corporate Finance, 10e, McGraw-Hill International, 2013
Marketing Communication III -- $ 80
Chitty,Barker, Valos and Shimp (2012 – 3rd Edition), Integrated MarketingCommunications, Cengage Learning, 9780170191548
Corporate responsibility of global business -- $ 85 Business and society : stakeholders, ethics, public policy 14th edition
Business finance--- $ 60
Business Finance 11E by pierson
International Management III -- $ 75
Helen Deresky, Elizaberth Christopher, 2nd Edition
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