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      [摩托车俱乐部] 关于P2,向大家请教。

      aassaassdd 发表于 29-7-2009 21:25:43
      2142 3


      请问大家有谁知道Driver Awareness Course 是考些啥内容的?

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      happy_joe 发表于 29-7-2009 22:24:06
      Driver Awareness course is only for the people who LOST demerit points within 12 months.

      If you got total 4 demerit points (no dropped points), you may just join "hazard perception test". Info as follows:
      Hazard perception test
      You’ll need to pass the hazard perception test before you can progress from a P1 to a P2 provisional licence.

      The hazard perception test (HPT) is a computer-based test that measures your ability to recognise potentially dangerous situations when driving and react appropriately.

      If you still need info for Driver awareness course info, there are as follows:
      The driver awareness course involves both theory and practical components spread over a total duration of eight hours.

      It covers the common elements known to be associated with new drivers being involved in a road crash - poor hazard perception, over confidence and risky behaviour. Drivers are educated about the risks and shown practical ways to avoid them.

      For safety reasons, holders of a motorcycle licence are exempt from the practical component of this course. Motorcyclists are exposed to similar scenarios during the RiderSafe

      Roadsafe Australia
      1/17-19 Musgrave Avenue
      Welland SA 5007
      Start 8.15am – 4.30pm finish.
      Fee: $180.00

      Telephone: (08) 8340 1912
      Mobile: 0417 806 112
      Fax: 8340 1910

      Transport SA webpage is changing AGAIN, all the old links is updated...lazy to read through
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       楼主| aassaassdd 发表于 29-7-2009 23:23:54
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       楼主| aassaassdd 发表于 29-7-2009 23:39:13
      对了,还想问一下,我被扣了一分,是上年超速14km/h,我刚才在transport SA 上查了下,貌似是breach condition 了,请问下,那如果是这样的话,该咋办呢?
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