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    DuckDuck 发表于 10-11-2010 06:24:44
    653 8


    5 bedroom house for $450 including furniture, fridge, washing machine and much more
    Or $450 three bedrooms only including bills!
    Rent and etc can neg!!!
    20 min to city
    10 min tea tree plaz
    5 min to maswson lake campus
                  Big shopping centre also walkable

    Please SMS to my no. 0430599356! I will forward ur detail or requests to landlord!

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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 11-11-2010 05:39:35
    Thank you for all people calls!I guess it would be good to have house inspection! It worth it!!

    Inspection is hold tonight and Saturday for booking only! Please SMS me before 4pm! Cheers?
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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 15-11-2010 06:12:33
    Further inspection available! Pleace call 0430 599 356
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    bookie 发表于 17-11-2010 05:27:14
    回复 1# DuckDuck

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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 17-11-2010 10:06:11
    Yeah! Can u leave ur email so I can  send the pic!! R u looking for whole house or room?
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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 17-11-2010 18:49:01
    sorry! the girl waho want to house inspection after 23rd Nov!1 can u give me a call coz i have delete ur contact!!! pleaseeeeeee thank you
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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 18-11-2010 08:23:31


    Ingle farm 5 bedrooms house $450 per week

    10 tarana ave ingle farm

    Nearby: mawsonlake campus
                Ingle farm shopping centre
                Tea tree plaza 
    Walkable nearby variety shops and petrol station

    Transpot: 205,206,205f,206f

    House: 3bedroom house with kitchen, bathroom, toilet, lounge plus a separate 2 bedrooms big lounge and 2 storeroom at the back.

    Two drive ways with one auto roller door carport. Security front fencing.

    Furniture included: 

    4 single beds, 1 queen, 1
    Double, 6 study tables and chairs , wardrobe will be available per room

    Kitchen ware is all including.... Microwave, fridge, kittle, cookery, rice cooker etc!

    Washing machine, sofa(3 sets) tv tv unit and much more!

    Please contact Irene on 0430 599 356
    Or email [email protected]
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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 21-11-2010 20:52:52
    ding ding........................
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     楼主| DuckDuck 发表于 23-11-2010 10:10:27
    Ding ding.....,,,,
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