- 1976215
- 性别
- 保密
- 积分
- 70
- 威望
- 论坛币
- 贡献
- 钻石
- 主题
- 帖子
- 精华
- 积分
- 70
- 最后登录
- 1-1-1970
- 在线时间
- 小时
绝对值啊 发表于 4-6-2019 22:06:44
Eastern suburb at Beaumont 4 bedrooms 3 living areas and 2 bathrooms new upgraded home ready to rent rent rent!!! Rent $620 per week pets negotiable. Please contact Lyn for inspection 0415 323 413 This lovely house is factor in those city lights, treetops, birdsong and bevy. It’s only 7kms to the city. It’s within 3 mins walking distance to the bus stop. It takes 5 mins drive to Burnside Village, Beaumont Common, Seymour College and highly-sought school zoning to Glenunga International High school and Linden Park primary school.
What you'll love:
- C1956 4-bedroom character home
- Treetops & city glimpses from the rooftop terrace, beautiful city view
- Ground floor master (with antique-style BIRs)
- Split system R/C A/C to all bedrooms, kitchen & living
- Upper & main level bathrooms (separate 3rd WC downstairs)
- 3 upstairs loft bedrooms (1 with BIR)
- NBN Ready (FTTN – Connection)
- Close public transport
- Large off-street parking available
- Foxtel connections
- Rear single garage with roller door
- Gabled carport for 2 cars
- Gated, fully-fenced & private grounds
- Zoned to Glenunga International High School & Linden Park Primary. Please contact Lyn for inspection 0415 323 413 - 东区学区房可上Linden Park Primary和Glenunga international High School。步行可达阿德最好的公立小学Linden Park。房子位置在Beaumont,新翻修的靓房4卧室3个厅2卫浴2车位整租$620每周。独立空调,嵌入式衣橱,干净整洁易打理的大院子,现即可入住。家附近有个大公园,开车5分钟到Burnside village购物中心。房子离市中心7公里,可乘坐多辆Bus,步行3分钟到附近公交车站。而外这个房子有个超级大的露天阳台可以欣赏整座阿德的美景。 看房请联系0415 323 413谢谢大家! |
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