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      Marketing recruitment

      狮子歌歌 发表于 29-3-2017 07:35:14
      439 1


      本帖最后由 狮子歌歌 于 29-3-2017 08:05 编辑

      • Would you say you're the type of person who would prefer to be productive and dealing with people? Do you have a natural ability to talk to people and deliver great customer service? Do you like networking with like minded individuals? Then this could be your kind of thing…

        Our client is Unite Marketing, and their recipe for success is simple, surround yourself with great people and you will achieve great results. They're looking for individuals who have huge personalities to contract their skills to the fast paced and highly social face to face sales and marketing team!

        About the opening:

        As an independent sales contractor; you will get opportunities to represent leading health & nutrition, beauty & cosmetics and automotive care brands across the small to medium business sector, the residential market - cold calling home owners & renters and the events space - at shopping centres & trade shows on a face to face must be confident in professional communication as well as well presented!

        Key responsibilities will be to deliver amazing customer service while creating brand awareness and acquiring new customers. Strong communication skills are a must, and any experience in face to face sales will be highly regarded.

        Our client is also interested in speaking to people who are looking for a long term opportunity.

        What's in it for you?

        • Full product & industry training provided - no industry experience required
        • Ongoing travel opportunities; statewide, interstate & international
        • Opportunities to network with and learn from one of Adelaide's leading sales and marketing companies
        • Get paid based on performance - uncapped commissions and excellent incentive structure

        If you're ready to start using your interpersonal skills in a way that benefits YOU, send us a copy of your resume today!
      • Contact number:0406922095

      Kind Regards

      Michael Ma
      Unite Marketing HR Management

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