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    For all ladies who are going to be a mum!!

    sainan 发表于 6-5-2014 13:48:07
    2595 3


    firstly, really sorry that I cannot type Chinese in the school computer!
    then :
    congratulations on such an exciting moment inyour life!

    My name is Sainan Wang, a 3rd yearmidwifery student studying in UniSA. I am an international student who isliving in Adelaide for about 4 years. As part of my course, we are required tofollow at least 20 women through their pregnancy and childbirth and postnatalperiod. We are here to provide you with one-on-one continuity of support andcare. I believe that all women should have the rightto continuity of care for childbirth.

    You are able to decide what areas you would becomfortable with me following such as antenatal appointments, the birth of yourbaby, or postnatal visits.

    If you are under 36 weeks pregnant, andwilling to join to this subject or would like more information about theprogram, plz! Send me an email or message.  

    I am looking forward to hearing from you

    PS: what does the Continuity of CareExperience Midwifery Program involve?

    A student isinvolved in the care of women all the way through her pregnancy birth andpostnatal care. The intention of the COCE is to enable students to experiencecontinuity of care with individual women through pregnancy, labour and birthand the postnatal period. The COCE aims to build a relationship of trustand support between the student and the woman and this is beneficial to bothparties. The woman has one midwifery student who will accompany her to atleast two antenatal visits, offer to support her during the labour and birthand visit her in the postnatal period. It provides an opportunity for midwiferystudents to attend, observe and participate in the care provided to womenduring pregnancy, labour & birth and the postnatal period and over time thestudent gains an understanding of the concepts and principles of care.  

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