Revive Fitness First Gym Card Transfer (12 months)
Address: 550 Marion Rd, Plympton Park, 5038.
Price: $500
The membership is valid from June 2013 to June 2014 (an entire year). The membership card worths $600. As I have to move interstate so unfortunately have to sell my membership card for $500 negotiable (What a bargain!!!). I will also pay for your transfer fees ie. $50 on my cost.
I do love this Gym, as people are friendly and there is a very good environment and just like a family. The most awesome is there is a swimming pool, spa and sauna room. (I suggest to do the personal training in the gym and I feel more supportive)
Please be hurry, as I am going to move interstate soon. Please contact me at 0430671618 Jessie
The website link is http://www.revivefitness.com
More classes at the timetable
. Cardio Room
• Sprint Circuit Room
• Weights Room
• Main Studio
• Mind and Body Studio
• RPM Studio
• Wet Studio
• Creche
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