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      Nauseating circumstance of Collection!

      nikelees 发表于 16-3-2012 18:28:03
      396 1


      "I can assure you obtain directions? "
      "Where? "
      For a heart. "
      "I can certainly assure you borrow any dollar? "
      "Why? "
      "I called to express to my mom I only met my dreams. " Or "I would like to call to your mom and thank her. "
      (3) your own father a thief? "
      "Not. "
      "Then how must a brilliant star stolen within your eyes? " (Have a heart ready to if they answer you "yes")
      "You are so warm, even the plastic in my underwear are you melt. "
      (5) "Your legs needs to be tired, right? "
      "Why? "
      "Because you ran all day long in my mind. "
      6 (look at his / her clothing label when they say "What are you doing? ") Replied, "just look at you heaven manufacturing.
      Or "just look at you my number. "
      "I'm remorseful, my phone number out, you can borrow you? "
      "I hope you can CPR, because you lovely stop breathing. "
      9. "Miss, you put it back to me! "
      "What! "
      "My heart, you use your face it away! "
      10 My eyes have to have a problem, my eyes are unable to since you left. "
      14 very smoothly, and to check out a beautiful girl smile makes me feel a little better, you can guffaw I do? "
      12 "rain today is actually big. "
      "Yes! "
      "That is because God drool at you. "
      13 If you can rearrange the letters, I'll put the U to I together. "
      AGE 14 Sorry, I'm an artist, gazing beauty is my job. "
      15 consider me, I will let you become cost-free happiest people on the earth. "
      "Why not? "
      "With you, I am the happiest person! ".

      BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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      criminalazkaban 发表于 16-3-2012 20:09:58
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