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春暖花开 发表于 12-2-2011 23:13:48
本帖最后由 春暖花开 于 2011-2-18 23:34 编辑
有人可能认为这是顾名思义。但是实际上这是有法律依据 是item 1136 skilled residence class VB.
2 两年密切相关学习结束6个月之内。
这个是migration regulation 885.211 规定的申请时必须要求(time of application)。也没有商量的余地。注意是密切,diac 原来不得不批准过去像厨师+it mater 2年学习这种搞法。加了密切2个字后,这种留学搭配移民搞法就没戏了。
3 IELTS 4个6.
这条是 885.213 规定的申请时必须要求。 但是2010年3月23号的一个巴西人Berenguel 在法院挑翻了移民局这条要求。理由如下。
Although cl 885.213 is part of the group of clauses headed “Criteria to be satisfied at time of application”, the heading does not connect grammatically to its terms. Moreover, in this case, the construction for which the Minister contends leads to such plain unfairness and absurdity that it is not to be preferred. The alternative construction for which the plaintiff contends does not compromise the purpose of the Migration Regulations. There is nothing to prevent relevant information being submitted to the Minister after lodgement of the application. Indeed, s 55 of the Act expressly provides for that to be done and requires the Minister to have regard to such information. The Act specifically provides that the Minister may have regard to up-to-date information and, where the purpose of the relevant criterion is to ensure that the standard of English language competency is recently ascertained, a construction which would deprive him of the most recent information seems to be antithetical to that purpose.所以这条可免了。现在移民局的政策是28天内不提供直接优先申请,做拒签处理。
4 Has applied AFP check,has applied Health Check (reg 885.214, 885.215)
没说一定要结果出来。但是万一忘了applied 呢? 你就成了那个巴西人要求找移民部法院解决了。
没有职业评估可以递交申请么? 可以。(特定签证持有人)
没有ielts成绩可以递交申请么? 可以
没有完成信可以递交申请么? 不可以
毕业6个月后,又没有实质签证可以递交申请么? 不可以。 |
BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。
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