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      [实习机会] Wine Business internship(wine business/ Marketing)

      zhangxc0223 发表于 8-10-2019 08:54:17
      2459 0


      Broad Project Scope

      ZNN Wine is a direct purchasing service provider with integrated wine supply chain services both to Australian wineries and the China market.

      We are currently looking for a wine business student wishing to develop their skills to join us as an intern under the guidance of our business development manager.

      • Currently studying Wine Busienss or Marketing with an expected completion date of no earlier than December 2019.
      • Excellent communication skills
      • Proficient in Mandarin
      • You’ll need to have completed at least one set of Vieple interview (link will be sent to you in the confirmation email after application is submitted)

      Please note, this internship can be taken on either voluntary basis or for course credit, however, credit is only approved under course codes PROF 3500 or PROF 7500.

      • Develop a range of computer literacy skills needed in undertaking a range of activities
      related to wine promotions
      • Develop communication skills through regular meetings and other interactions with a range of internal and external stakeholders
      • Apply a range of principles from the course evaluating domestic and international wine markets to assist in developing profiles for wine markets and identifying current trends
      • Apply foundations of wine science principles to assist in maintaining the knowledge base for wine styles and assist clients with product tastings
      • Apply people and organisations principles to assist in liaising with sommeliers with regards to their wine listings and liaise with owners and managers to support ranges with promotional deals based on price and quantity as well as assisting in introducing new products to the market
      • Apply people and organisations principles to assist in liaising with sommeliers with regards to their wine listings and liaise with owners and managers to support ranges with promotional deals based on price and quantity as well as assisting in introducing new products to the market
      If you have interests,please send email to    [email protected]

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