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      [灌水] We are very shy

      jian11 发表于 20-3-2017 10:18:22
      3279 9


      We are very shy away from talking and debating some sensitive topics like 64.

      Because in this bbs, a post about 64 was removed before i can reply, less than 5 mins. What's the point?

      Face the  facts, Solve the problems, be honest in our hearts.

      You sin because you commit and you do it , not because you think about it.

      Do you agree?
      What do you think?

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      PakHo0517 发表于 24-3-2017 23:06:26
      Proofread 404 not found
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      bnzksm 发表于 22-4-2017 12:49:15
      no one gives a fxck, you shall ask why those student leaders had American passport even before 64 happened?
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      adelaidetower 发表于 22-4-2017 20:53:51
      is that not about shy, thats political sensitive , make sure to use proper language.
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      kkl1127 发表于 24-4-2017 20:13:32
      do be shy, i agree with u , i think dddddddd.
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      kkl1127 发表于 24-4-2017 20:14:54
      kkl1127 发表于 24-4-2017 20:13
      do be shy, i agree with u , i think dddddddd.

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       楼主| jian11 发表于 12-6-2017 16:32:35
      adelaidetower 发表于 22-4-2017 20:53
      is that not about shy, thats political sensitive , make sure to use proper language.

      Thank you very much for coaching English!

      Am I joking???
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       楼主| jian11 发表于 12-6-2017 16:36:48
      adelaidetower 发表于 22-4-2017 20:53
      is that not about shy, thats political sensitive , make sure to use proper language.

      Can you coach my English language?
      Please check all my English comments here in bbs, especially in international news column.  And I would like to learn.

      I am not kidding you!
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       楼主| jian11 发表于 12-6-2017 16:55:29
      Strictly, if  in Semantics, we indeed should say :  We are very "shy".  

      Euphemism is applied here!  I hope you can understand it and do not stick to and gaze at the navel.

      Make sense?
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       楼主| jian11 发表于 12-6-2017 17:00:41
      Like, if we say: "we don't speak the same language", that means we don't share the same value and mindset.  Not really and literally means that we speak each other's languages by verbatim itself.

      I am happy if you can be my language tutor!

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