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  • 网球俱乐部( Tennisray)____阿德最大的亚洲网球社团

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    发布时间: 12-3-2016 14:10


    Tennisray club Adelaide Branch 发展历史2012年3月,Tennisray网球俱乐部在教练Ray和总顾问Johnee Kop的共同建立下成立于北京。俱乐部是由USPTA(美国职业网球协会)一级教练作指导,高校网球精英为班 ...


    port1234 发表于 11-2-2018 11:51:00
    jian11 发表于 6-4-2016 11:11:49
    Thank you very much, Ray, appreciated.
    Every morning and pb holidays are ok for me as i work in the kitchen. Anyway i will keep an eye.  It will be great if you can post some info and activities regularly.
    Cheers, Jian.
    port1234 发表于 5-4-2016 13:50:36
    jian11 发表于 5-4-2016 10:18 AM
    Hi, Ray
    Do you have any social tennis squads in eastern district, like around Rostrevor.
    You used  ...

    Thanks for your reply, Jian.

    I have contacted you by message
    jian11 发表于 5-4-2016 10:18:53
    Hi, Ray
    Do you have any social tennis squads in eastern district, like around Rostrevor.
    You used to have a strong team near the city and some photos posted in the bbs, if i remenber well.
    If you organize some tennis activities near the eastern districts that every participants share the costs and have some drinks afterwards,  please count me in: jian 0457 329 709
    I hope you don't mind i write to you in english, because my computer cannot print chinese.
    Cheers, Jian.
    port1234 发表于 4-4-2016 13:31:43

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