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  • 回国低价出售2007toyota prius,进来看

    查看数: 3615 | 评论数: 5 | 收藏 3
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    发布时间: 16-7-2015 16:52


    本帖最后由 wow11244 于 16-7-2015 04:53 PM 编辑 朋友急于回国,现出售一台2007款银色丰田混合动力PRIUS,里程数97000,十万公里大保养今天在悉尼刚做,轮胎去年刚换了四个全新的,自己加装了倒车影像雷达。 ...


    wow11243 发表于 21-7-2015 03:27:36
    本帖最后由 wow11243 于 21-7-2015 03:32 AM 编辑

    lai kan, come and have a look, this vehicle is pretty new and stylish. 9600 is lower than the benchmark of the market. Why? because the owner is going back to his country and he just want to solve this issue ASAP. Why do I not take this car myself? Cuz I already have a car.

    Not every Prius sold at $9600, just like not every milk can be called 'Te Lun Su'. You would not want to miss this rare opportunity, for others will take it soon.
    Carl 发表于 16-7-2015 17:27:12
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    Carl 发表于 16-7-2015 17:26:34
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    wow11243 发表于 16-7-2015 17:18:57
    wow11243 发表于 16-7-2015 17:17:57

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