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  • 短腿妹纸来报到~鸣拿要保护偶不被satchmo各各欺负哟~

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    发布时间: 5-11-2017 12:05


    额赫额赫,累得死 & 箭头们, 偶是阿村小短腿家族的新成员~ Milo酱~请掌声鼓励~ 虽然偶还在十万八千里的昆州。。。麻麻索小朋友要有礼貌,所以我先提前来报到咯~ 偶将于19号着陆阿村,请鸣拿桑届时多多照顾~ ...


    小瓶子 发表于 17-2-2013 20:54:02
    jumpingbean 发表于 17-2-2013 20:13:56
    tzjrxy 发表于 2013-2-14 14:39

    tzjrxy 发表于 14-2-2013 14:09:53
    nathanxu 发表于 12-2-2013 14:40:29
    jumpingbean 发表于 2013-2-12 00:49
    Yep. It is illegal to dock the tails in Aus.
    Haha, We can have a Corgi Party next time

    Sorry, I should have said most Corgi have no tail now days since you can no longer cut tails for dogs in Australia.  My older Corgi still have no tail since he was born before the legislation was amended.
    No.77 发表于 12-2-2013 02:45:38
    jumpingbean 发表于 12-2-2013 01:19:31
    nathanxu 发表于 2013-2-10 22:55
    I have two Corgi as well.  Most Corgis have tail now days.

    Yep. It is illegal to dock the tails in Aus.
    Haha, We can have a Corgi Party next time
    nathanxu 发表于 10-2-2013 22:25:52
    jumpingbean 发表于 2013-2-10 19:19
    Yep~ A corgi with the tail~

    I have two Corgi as well.  Most Corgis have tail now days.
    jumpingbean 发表于 10-2-2013 19:49:46
    nathanxu 发表于 2013-2-10 13:33
    Is it a Corgi?

    Yep~ A corgi with the tail~
    nathanxu 发表于 10-2-2013 13:03:58
    Is it a Corgi?  

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