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  • 澳洲当地ESL老师Shelley Bowen办英语辅导课 用专业的教学帮助你迅速提高英语水平

    查看数: 3612 | 评论数: 4 | 收藏 1
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    发布时间: 8-2-2013 13:28


    本帖最后由 Austenxyx 于 2013-2-18 19:53 编辑 Do you want to improve your English? 你想提高你的英语吗? Do your friends want to improve their English? 你是否有朋友正在寻求提升英语水平的办法 ...


    Austenxyx 发表于 18-2-2013 19:31:47
    Do you want to improve your English?
    Visit www.improveyourenglish.com.au
    Austenxyx 发表于 11-2-2013 12:48:57

    "Shelley's wonderful energy and passion for teaching makes her classes both enjoyable and informative." - Andrew (qualified ESL teacher)

    "Shelley is always try to teach until students understand and she is the woman who has strong passion about teaching!!" Student, Japan

    "Shelley is a very experienced and patient teacher, who has passion of teaching . She always knows what the students need." William`s Mum, Adelaide

    "Shelley has worked in Japan teaching children and adults English. Students always had a great relationship with Shelley and she became a friend to many. She is patient and always makes her classes relevant and lots of fun!" Maja Miyazaki English Teacher in Japan

    "Shelley is a very good teacher and her character is very nice for students. Her class makes our study improve absolutely. I wanna be a teacher like her." Student, Improve your everyday English, Adelaide

    "Shelley is a great, patient, energetic teacher. She does friendly classes what makes us to be involve into the lessons and improve faster our English." Student, TAFE SA
    Austenxyx 发表于 8-2-2013 15:30:43
    xijiangyue 发表于 2013-2-8 15:13

    xijiangyue 发表于 8-2-2013 14:43:49

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