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  • 新课程开锣 – 七彩手铃!

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    发布时间: 10-3-2019 18:27


    除了一直都有的钢琴及圆号(法国号)课程,最近也有新课程开锣 – 七彩手铃! 回复[url=]使用道具[/url] [url=]举报[/url]


    123onetwothree 发表于 3-6-2019 12:46:06
    We have moved to Kensington Gardens! Enrollment of music lessons will have $5 off for the first lesson + a little gift for your little one. Limited offer!

    我们已經搬家到KENSINGTON GARDEN啦! 报读我们的音乐课程,除了首节课获减$5外,也有小礼物给小孩子,數量有限!

    123onetwothree 发表于 21-5-2019 10:08:36
    We will move to Kensington Gardens in early June. Enrollment of music lessons before moving will have $5 off for the first lesson + a little gift for your little one

    我们在六月搬家到KENSINGTON GARDEN啦! 搬家前报读我们的音乐课程,除了首节课获减$5外,也有小礼物给小孩子

    123onetwothree 发表于 12-4-2019 15:33:34
    Holiday Music Programme 假期音樂課程
    The holiday is fast approaching. However, our musical learning is not confined to the school term exclusively.

    Learning musical instruments is a continuous and sequential process. Without continuous participation in class and practice, the children will be very likely to lose some of the skills they have gained. Participating in class during the holidays also allows a more efficient use of lesson time as we do not have to teach the same skills once again after long vacations. This is why keeping up with music lessons during the school holidays is so important.

    Holiday programme, hence, is offered and it will run from Monday to Saturday in Easter break. Let our children to take advantage of this opportunity during the Easter vacation.



    CNM 將於復活節長假期星期一至六,提供假期課程,讓我們的孩子能夠好好善用長假期的時間。

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