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  • 可爱小猫免费领取啦

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    发布时间: 26-2-2017 08:30


    家有一只可爱小猫,大约半岁大,虎纹,非常漂亮,之前喂养它的同学回国了,无人可以照顾它,所以免费赠送了,希望是一个爱宠人士,最好是在澳洲长期居住的,不希望可爱的小猫频繁的换主人,对待宠物,就一句话, ...


    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 15:37:14
    sal8 发表于 26-2-2017 13:15
    这是小猫在院子里玩的照片,小猫是租客养的,但是现在租客回国了,所以才要送走,请不要无故说风凉话,谢 ...

    Since "zuke"(your tenant) went back to china, you are his/her dad and mum.  It's your responsibility to let your kid to have a better living environment.
    Am I right?  Seems that you have a very low threshold for living conditions for yourself and loving passion for animals.
    On this ground, based on the picture you posted, how can you talk about animal loving to others?  This is where my arguing point lies

    Do you agree?
    What do you think?
    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 14:59:25
    It seems that you yourself live in this kind of disgusting surroundings and environment concerning your narratives of "Zu Ke"(tenant).
    Isn't it?
    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 14:52:31
    sal8 发表于 26-2-2017 13:15
    这是小猫在院子里玩的照片,小猫是租客养的,但是现在租客回国了,所以才要送走,请不要无故说风凉话,谢 ...

    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 14:50:03
    sal8 发表于 26-2-2017 13:15
    这是小猫在院子里玩的照片,小猫是租客养的,但是现在租客回国了,所以才要送走,请不要无故说风凉话,谢 ...

    A disgusting environment!  Is it a "feng liang hua"?  It is a fact which you told us by your own mouth and picture.
    A poor cat and a poor owner!
    Suggest:  Remove the disgusting picture!  Don't you feel guilty?  Poor man!

    BTW, Do you think that only the persons who "stay long" in Australia(as you said) are eligible for owning the cat??? Is it a suggested  criteron for owning the cat?  A Poor man's mindset.  You despise yourself! Don't you think so?

    Do you agree?
    What do you think?

    sal8 发表于 26-2-2017 13:15:30
    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 11:50
    To be frank,
    The picture and the cat's habitat tell the totally different story.
    Look at the envir ...

    sal8 发表于 26-2-2017 13:12:58
    jian11 发表于 26-2-2017 11:50:21
    To be frank,
    The picture and the cat's habitat tell the totally different story.
    Look at the environment!, which has nothing to do with the story of pet-loving.

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