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小侧耳 发表于 19-5-2020 18:46:45
即将入学 南澳大学 master of early childhood teaching 专业,想提前看一下上课所需的教材。
电话联系:0416 892 824 (message only)
English Education (Junior Primary)
McDonald, L 2013, A literature companion for teachers, 2nd ed, PETAA, Newtown
Seely- Flint A et al 2017, Literacy in Australia, 2nd ed, Wiley ( e-book or print version)
Derewianka, B & Jones, P 2017, Teaching Language in Context, 2nd ed, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne
Callow, Jon 2013, The Shape of Text to Come, PETAA, Newtown
Mathematics and Science Education (Years R-2)
MacDonald A & Rafferty J 2015, Investigating Maths, Science and Technology in Early Childhood, Oxford University Press, Australia
Curriculum and Pedagogy 1 (HASS and Technologies)
Green, DM & Price, DA 2019, Making Humanities & Social Science Come Alive: Early Years & Primary Education, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne
Curriculum and Pedagogy 2 (Arts and Health and PE)
Dinham, J 2017, Delivering authentic arts education, 3rd edition, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, Victoria
Graham, G. & Elliot 2016, Teaching children and adolescents physical education, 4th Ed, Human Kinetics , Champaign
Foundations of Learning and Development: A Child Centred Approach
Briggs, F 2012, Child protection: the essential guide for teachers and other professionals whose work involves children, 1st edn, JoJo Publishing, Docklands, Victoria
Duchesne, S & McMaugh, A 2019, Educational psychology, 6th edn, Cengage Learning Australia, South Melbourne, Victoria
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