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    澳洲手机免费国际长途接入号码 0424 215 590

    auniceboy 发表于 27-12-2009 15:53:02
    6460 19





    用您的手机拨打 0424 215 590

    听到提示音后 拨打您要拨打的国际长途号码
    例如 0086 10 68697602


    更多可以从澳大利亚免费拨打的国际和地区,请查看网站 http://www.just-dial-AU.com

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

    免责声明: 本网站所提供的信息,只供参考之用。本网站不保证信息的准确性、有效性、及时性和完整性。本网站及其雇员一概毋须以任何方式就任何信息传递或传送的失误、不准确或错误,对用户或任何其他人士负任何直接或间接责任。在法律允许的范围内,本网站在此声明,不承担用户或任何人士就使用或未能使用本网站所提供的信息或任何链接所引致的任何直接、间接、附带、从属、特殊、惩罚性或惩戒性的损害赔偿。

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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 28-12-2009 16:13:46
    呵呵,其实这个号码是包含在手机的免费时间内的。就是先拨打这个号码,听到提示音后就直接拨中国的国际区号和号码,例如  0866 10 888888。不过,Optus Cap 或者是 Timeless plan是收费的,网站上有具体的说明。不过道理很简单,如果你想用这个免费号码但是不是很确定,就先打这个号码1-2分钟,然后看看账单是不是包含在你的免费时间内不就明白了嘛。如果你没试过就说骗人的也太不公平了吧。


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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 2-1-2010 00:55:52
    回复 7# idtraveler

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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 8-1-2010 19:03:52
    回复 12# benben


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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 8-1-2010 19:22:23
    回复 10# 20090915

    这个号码的服务是针对澳洲的。英国类似的服务你可以察看英国的网站 例如 http://www.just-dial-uk.co.uk http://www.cheapcalluk.co.uk
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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 25-1-2010 04:00:56
    liz_1231 发表于 2010-1-22 22:54

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     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 25-1-2010 04:02:57
    黓-漠北 发表于 2010-1-23 12:02

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    使用道具 举报

     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 6-2-2010 07:47:41
    Use your Cap Plan text messages for free international calls!

    If you have text messages as part of your mobile Cap Plan, then you can get free international call airtime for each and every free text you have as part of your plan!

    To top up your credit simply:


          Send the text message JDAU to 0424 217 500.

          We will then top up your account with airtime. The amount of airtime you get per text depends on the country you are dialing. For instance, 1 text message will give you 30 seconds free call time to India, so if you send 20 messages that will be enough for a free 10 minute call!
    回复 支持 反对

    使用道具 举报

     楼主| auniceboy 发表于 13-3-2010 03:28:54
    Use your Cap Plan text messages for free international calls!

    If you have text messages as part of your mobile Cap Plan, then you can get free international call airtime for each and every free text you have as part of your plan!

    To top up your credit simply:

    • Send the text message JDAU to 0424 217 500.

    • We will then top up your account with airtime. The amount of airtime you get per text depends on the country you are dialing. For instance, 1 text message will give you 30 seconds free call time to India, so if you send 20 messages that will be enough for a free 10 minute call!

      To check how much airtime you get per text for every country, click here.

    • To make a call, dial 02 90044 050 from the mobile that you used to top up. This is a local Sydney number – which you can often also call for free using your Cap Plan minutes.

      Once connected, simply enter the international number you want to dial (including 0011 and the country code), followed by the # key.

    Follow these simple instructions and start making free International calls to anywhere in the world from your mobile phone!

    Customers under the age 18 must have the account holder's permission.

    For help call the number: 1300 366 702

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