作者: lineenzyh 时间: 16-7-2015 14:04
hi we r very close to tea tree plaze, only 3/4 stops to city by obahn, about 18-22 minutes on the bus, directly go to north terrace, plz contact me qq: 709303264 or mobile: 0403843798.
the room is quiet big , with queen size bed n build-in furniture...
$ 130/week include all bills, not include air conditioner n heater 作者: zhangjia 时间: 18-7-2015 10:49
你好,找到房子吗?我有一间房在ferryden park, 通300,230,232。周边大型shopping centre,饭店都有。100刀每周全包。请联系0431576600,谢谢作者: Bunjsmp 时间: 26-8-2015 09:15