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l 全新【CFA】level 1 Schweser Study Notes 整套。全新,100刀
包含以下资料: 总7本书+公式表
【学习笔记】2015Schweser Study Notes(5本内外全彩)(书本)
BOOK 1 Ethical and ProfessionalStandards, and Quantitative Methods
BOOK 2 Economics3
BOOK 3 Financial Reporting andAnalysis" f' i' W" T0 F* w
BOOK 4 Corporate Finance,Portfolio Management, and Equity Investment
BOOK 5 Fixed Income, Derivatives,and Alternative Investments4 M! G6 L! J0 B5 W% L
【公式列表】2014CFA Schweser,Quicksheet(独立全彩色三折页版), ]- ^: N5 w. P- u" ~$ `