全手工制造,09年2月上市,价钱嘛....6290euro 不要太中毒了。
作者: nuni 时间: 17-9-2008 10:39
这么贵弄一个镜头,我卖肾也不够啊:snooty: :snooty:作者: 做爱做的事 时间: 17-9-2008 10:40
wow~~~~~~~~~~~~huge hardcore thing作者: 木头瓶子 时间: 17-9-2008 12:11
not interest in this one, so huge and hard to use, and the most important thing is...too damn expensive.
The previous version of this lens is Noctilux 50/1.0. I've cheched the flickr, and turns out nearly nobody can operate this lens well. The bokeh is bloody amazing though.
I prefer the new 21mm lens, with the aperture of f1.4.作者: yoyyo2000 时间: 17-9-2008 12:52
why nobody ccan operate it?作者: donkeyface 时间: 17-9-2008 15:12
超大光圈,景深太浅,对焦比较困难吧。而且没有af。 还要让瓶子解释。