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标题: 大家最近还有没有见过rundle mall编手链的那个男人? [打印本页]

作者: 谢小避    时间: 30-3-2014 17:27
标题: 大家最近还有没有见过rundle mall编手链的那个男人?
如题, 2012年9月一直到13年年中他每周都会在rundle mall摆地摊,编手链,就是可以把你的名字编上去的那种 friendship bracelet,有好多好多颜色可以选择,手链5刀一个的

以前在他那编过一根脚链,带了一年多了,想换一条新的,从去年10月我就一直想找他,每次去rundle mall都有留意,但是至今没有再碰见过他。有没有哪个小伙伴最近见过,或者问他要过名片的?


作者: 谢小避    时间: 30-3-2014 17:57
作者: 谢小避    时间: 30-3-2014 17:58
顶顶顶 别沉了{:11_548:}
作者: link0707tian    时间: 30-3-2014 20:31
作者: ^_^Regal^_^    时间: 30-3-2014 20:57
作者: ^_^Regal^_^    时间: 30-3-2014 21:00
作者: ^_^Regal^_^    时间: 30-3-2014 21:02
Hi everyone, it is time for me to say good bye Australia, i would like to thank everyone of you for been so kind with me, for all the people that thought what i was doing was amazing or cleaver for that matter, thank you all for making this place home. Here i meet thousands of people who i could give a smile with my skill and they would appreciate my art, for all those kids and adults who would close there eyes to make a wish, i guess one day your wishes will come true, as mine have many times. i came here wishing to meet new people and having an amazing experience. i live this place much wiser than i was when i arrive and with friends from all over this country, it feels good the wish came true .

Thanks you everyone.

The Name Bracelet Store

作者: 谢小避    时间: 31-3-2014 08:01
^_^Regal^_^ 发表于 2014-3-30 21:02
Hi everyone, it is time for me to say good bye Australia, i would like to thank everyone of you for  ...

作者: 谢小避    时间: 31-3-2014 08:38
0434284832 发表于 2014-3-31 08:08

好遗憾。。。得知他走了。。。 我刚刚还在想,要是他下次还来阿村,我要买十个 各种颜色的   但是只能想想了  他要是能开网店就好了。。。
作者: 寻找ing    时间: 31-3-2014 13:07
原来有不少人都买过啊,当时我和好几个朋友 一人找他编了一条,很是喜欢。
作者: cleaningservice    时间: 31-3-2014 14:27
作者: 谢小避    时间: 31-3-2014 20:27
寻找ing 发表于 2014-3-31 13:07
原来有不少人都买过啊,当时我和好几个朋友 一人找他编了一条,很是喜欢。

是啊 而且也不贵
作者: 谢小避    时间: 31-3-2014 20:28
cleaningservice 发表于 2014-3-31 14:27

作者: 率卡卡    时间: 7-4-2014 18:24

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