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标题: 啥牌子的电脑比较好 [打印本页]

作者: lifu    时间: 9-12-2013 18:50
标题: 啥牌子的电脑比较好
请问1000刀左右的大屏幕电脑 哪个牌子的性价比 比较高  

作者: Pyree    时间: 9-12-2013 18:54
Desktop or laptop?
作者: lifu    时间: 9-12-2013 18:57
laptop 。。。。。。。。。。。。。
作者: xycpy    时间: 9-12-2013 19:20
作者: zjjxjszs    时间: 9-12-2013 21:22
作者: Pyree    时间: 9-12-2013 21:31
本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-12-9 21:14 编辑

Play any games? Do you do other GPU intensive tasks?






作者: YouYouWu    时间: 9-12-2013 21:44
宏基的比较好。硬件坏的快, 售后服务贵。........
作者: Pyree    时间: 9-12-2013 21:54
YouYouWu 发表于 2013-12-9 21:14
宏基的比较好。硬件坏的快, 售后服务贵。........

作者: aldarion    时间: 9-12-2013 23:15
作者: Pyree    时间: 10-12-2013 00:10
作者: maggiett    时间: 10-12-2013 08:42

作者: lifu    时间: 10-12-2013 17:53
我基本上是一电脑盲  基本上也就看看网页 发发邮件 在就儿子做做10年级的作业,想买个大屏幕的 质量好点的  那些国产的 这里有卖吗
作者: fan2706    时间: 11-12-2013 08:37

作者: maggiett    时间: 11-12-2013 10:49

作者: Pyree    时间: 11-12-2013 12:14
本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-12-11 12:19 编辑

不是用來打遊戲那就用Lenovo吧。選擇$849.00 i7 四核那款。把記憶體加至8GB。用eCoupon "CASHOFF" 之後是 $898.20


如果想在家用得舒服點,可以去MSY 買個大monitor和買keyboard+mouse

如果想更暢順,可以升級用 mSATA SSD

作者: lifu    时间: 11-12-2013 21:16
作者: aldarion    时间: 12-12-2013 02:35 ... G-8G/959340408.html
作者: Pyree    时间: 12-12-2013 08:07
本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-12-12 09:53 编辑
aldarion 发表于 2013-12-12 02:05 ...

There is 5% customs duty on item 10% GST on total price if total price of import item is over $1000 AUD.

$750 USD = $827.36 AUD. 5% customs fee = $41.368 AUD. Shipping cost $131.04 USD = $144.56 AUD. Total price = $827.36 + $41.368 + $144.56 = $1013.228 AUD.

Total price is over $1000 AUD. 10% GST = $101.3228 AUD.

So you will be paying $1114.55 AUD (round off from $1114.5508 AUD to the nearest 5 cents) for this laptop.

Not to mention this laptop doesn't come with Windows. That's at least another $90 something AUD.

Also, there is the warranty issue. Is this item covered by international warranty or local warranty only? Is there any Hasee service centre in Australia?

作者: xiaoyuewanli    时间: 12-12-2013 09:45
作者: Pyree    时间: 12-12-2013 10:25
xiaoyuewanli 发表于 2013-12-12 09:15

Fruit brand probably has the lowest performance:price of all.
作者: xiaoyuewanli    时间: 12-12-2013 10:30
Pyree 发表于 2013-12-12 09:55
Fruit brand probably has the lowest performance:price of all.

作者: maggiett    时间: 12-12-2013 12:17

作者: maggiett    时间: 12-12-2013 12:20

作者: Pyree    时间: 12-12-2013 13:59
xiaoyuewanli 发表于 2013-12-12 10:00

No. Just stating the fact.
作者: xp10302011    时间: 12-12-2013 14:31
我现在阿村,我看来看去,只有acer宏基比较厚道,质量也ok,现在我就在用2011年买的acer aspire 5820tg打字给你!当年还比较傻怕acer质量不行,买了个2年保险,发现拿钱浪费了!
作者: xp10302011    时间: 12-12-2013 14:37
btw,如果楼主不打网友和大型3d游戏,没有必要挑独立显卡的,价格贵而且增加散热负担,尤其到了夏天如果没有空调通风不好,你的笔记本风扇会狂转不止。时间久了必然影响使用寿命。。。现在四代Intel i系列的自带集成显卡以及够用了,甚至已经查过许多入门级独立显卡了!
作者: lifu    时间: 12-12-2013 19:55
再就是看看电影  电视剧  存些在电脑里  所以需要个容量大的

作者: Pyree    时间: 12-12-2013 20:27
本帖最后由 Pyree 于 2013-12-12 20:01 编辑
lifu 发表于 2013-12-12 19:25
再就是看看电影  电视剧  存些在电脑里  所以需要个容量大的


You can buy online from Lenovo Australia official site. Free delivery.

If you need large storage, you should get external HDD. They are cheap and large in capacity. If your router has an USB port that supports storage sharing over the network, share the HDD through the network.

作者: lpj23216    时间: 12-12-2013 20:48
作者: xycpy    时间: 12-12-2013 21:06
作者: maggiett    时间: 13-12-2013 08:39
作者: aldarion    时间: 14-12-2013 15:48
本帖最后由 aldarion 于 2013-12-14 15:52 编辑
Pyree 发表于 2013-12-12 08:07
There is 5% customs duty on item 10% GST on total price if total price of import item is over $100 ...

Nope, GST and import duty only apply to items with an assessed value over 1000. Shipping/agent/insurance fees are excluded in the assessment of an item's value. This is pretty logical since shipping can be extremely expensive for some cheap big items. Therefore, he only has to pay 827.36 + 144.56 = $ 971.92. All chinese laptops come with 3 years major parts warranty as required by the chinese consumer law. I did a bit of googling and found one victoria based HASEE distributor. On the site, they stated "In the unusual event of a problem occurring with your new Hasee netbook or laptop you can rest assured that you will have the backing of our Australian based support team."
I'm not too sure if they will repair laptops bought in China but I know that since LZ is of chinese background, he likely visits China regularly or know people who do. If something stops working, he could always ask his friend to take the laptop back for him and get it repaired. As for the OS, LZ could try to use the freely distributed Ubuntu. It is very user friendly nowadays. Ask anyone who knows a bit about computers, they would tell you that linux is way better than windows. If LZ really wants to use windows, well it isn't too hard to find a pirated version online. In fact, some pirated versions work better than the official version.

作者: lifu    时间: 14-12-2013 19:19
其实我很想在boxing day 那天买个 如果折扣大的话 屏幕大点的 容量稍大点就行 不知道硬件软件 应该问写啥
作者: Pyree    时间: 14-12-2013 20:48
The thing is that as the screen size gets bigger, the resolution of the screen also gets higher (otherwise the size of each pixel will be huge). There is going to be a price premium for the 900-1080p screen. Also, the higher screen resolution means a more powerful GPU is needed to deliver the same graphic performance, so the graphic card will be more powerful. The result? A laptop niche market segment known as the gaming/workstation class laptop. Most 17-18" laptops are in this category, they are more expensive (can be very expensive), and high performance. So thre are very few 17" fast multimedia class laptops. Your choice is very limited.
作者: maggiett    时间: 15-12-2013 15:51

作者: xjcxjc222    时间: 15-12-2013 15:55
作者: kuku    时间: 15-12-2013 16:23

作者: yybsn    时间: 15-12-2013 17:10
作者: Pyree    时间: 15-12-2013 17:32
yybsn 发表于 2013-12-15 16:40

The GT 740m DDR3 in the Lenovo is not that good for gaming.
作者: lifu    时间: 15-12-2013 20:49
作者: Cindy美颜铺    时间: 15-12-2013 21:28
ding ding ding

作者: hlhui    时间: 16-12-2013 12:44

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