The University of South Australia needs the help ofMainland Chinese students to tell us how you experience the various traveldestinations in Australia. We need 10 people to provide us with your feedbackand insights for our academic research project. You will be asked to take partin a group discussion with other Chinese students where you will share yourtravel experiences here in Australia.
What is involved?
Activegroup discussion (~ 1 hr)
Talkabout your travel experiences in Australia
What’s in it for you?
$ 25 Coles gift card
Meet other Chinese students withsimilar travel experiences
Develop your communicationskills and expand your network
Shareexperiences with those who are interested in travelling in Australia
Please complete the following:
Age (must be 18+ years)
Current Student
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Time and venue (UniSA City West/EastCampus) will be confirmed at a later stage.
The first 10 Chinese students toregister their interest by email are accepted.
Email to Dr Robert van der Veen,Research Fellow at the University of South Australia:[email protected],orcall for more information 8302 9156.