M: "Hi. Long time no see."
F: "Hi."
M: " Are you pregnant or are you just fat but look like you are pregnant? Cause if you are just fat, I don't have to give my seat to you."
F: "Haha, very funny. I haven't seen you for four years. But I see you are still such a jackass with no improvement at all."
M: "So who knocked you up?"
F: "Mind your own business!"
M: "Oh come on Penelope, I thought we end on good terms."
F: "For you it was good, with your 36DD dumb blond bimbo. Why isn't she with you here today?"
M: "I told you, I was sick and you were away. She was just a fling."
Short pause.
M: "Don't divert the conversation topic, we were talking about you! Who's the unlucky guy? Why isn't he with you?"
F: "*sob*..."
M: "Huh?"
F: "*sob*..."
M: "He ran for it after you told him didn't he? Well, looks like I'm not such a jackass after all. At least I didn't knock you up and do a runner."
The conversation attracted the attention of many curious passengers, many of whom were muttering among their neighbors while looking at the man, Jason, with contempt in their eyes. A young and lanky Caucasian male passenger in school uniform was sitting behind Penelope and listening to rap music with his headphone. He pressed the stop chime on the bus. The bus stopped soon after and the young male passenger got up slowly and dance-walked slowly to the exit while lip-singing, totally ignorant of the conversation and event which just took place. Although this is not her bus stop, Penolope got out of her seat and left the bus in a hurry, passed the young passenger to exit the bus first, with tears trickling down from her eyes.作者: susan2011 时间: 10-8-2013 01:32
如果就是她一个人,会轻轻得问候她,问她过的好不好,现在幸福吗?如果和老公家人一起就打个招呼,装个旧同事罢了作者: yourstruly 时间: 10-8-2013 02:25
在公交车上遇到,说明两个人都混的不怎么样,特别是让怀孕的老婆挤公车,她也没有嫁到好男人。脚碰脚,谁也没占上风。作者: 316328597 时间: 10-8-2013 03:25
小样别以为穿了个马甲就不认识你了..作者: link0707tian 时间: 10-8-2013 13:38 作者: Amy1988 时间: 10-8-2013 23:39
怀了他的孩子作者: isabel_xixi 时间: 11-8-2013 13:00
男的说 “ 你胖了...”, 女的说“ 小姐, 我认识你嚒?”作者: Marino 时间: 11-8-2013 13:34
4年后才结出爱情的果实,大团圆。作者: livemoon 时间: 11-8-2013 16:07
楼主如果写小伙子发现此孕妇是自己恋爱四个月的前女友...那个剧情可能会更加眼球哦作者: onlybelly 时间: 11-8-2013 16:57
男的对女友微微一笑,说到“看到你这么幸福,我就放心啦”,随后女的露出了尴尬的笑容,随即给男的留下了微信账号。可以后续,并植入广告。作者: fan2706 时间: 11-8-2013 19:25
说不定买一送一啊作者: fan2706 时间: 11-8-2013 19:26
说不定买一送一啊作者: blue~ 时间: 11-8-2013 22:01
有威望奖励不,我是冲着威望奖励来的,奖金的话爱谁谁作者: rodman36 时间: 11-8-2013 23:32
快把你老公还给我!!别以为大了肚子他就爱你了 ! 他爱的是我!作者: AllenYYT 时间: 12-8-2013 03:58
男:这。。我也不不知道该说什么。。随天意吧。作者: 木有鱼丸 时间: 13-8-2013 00:59
孕妇佯怒:“你注意用词~ 怎么还跟以前一样,瞧不起人。”边说边低着头轻抚她圆挺的肚皮,“再怎么说,他也是孩子的亲爸。”
面对满车乘客投来的看好戏的眼神,小伙子内心有种大仇得报的痛快感!他稳了稳神继续说道:“你别以为我这座是让给你的,我是让给你肚子里的孩子。毕竟,我操过他妈。”作者: luyi_13 时间: 13-8-2013 23:48
居然没请我喝喜酒?作者: 暂时不买车了 时间: 14-8-2013 16:35
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。作者: tonyee 时间: 16-8-2013 09:36
我想一笑就够了 “保重” 下站下车作者: 十六 时间: 17-8-2013 22:54
哎。。。作者: blue~ 时间: 28-8-2013 15:03
thx 5000