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标题: 澳洲男生招租! 练口语的绝好机会! [打印本页]

作者: willa2012    时间: 19-5-2013 19:18
标题: 澳洲男生招租! 练口语的绝好机会!
地点:glenelg east
租金:$130/w, share power
周边:jetty rd, beachside, coles, woolworth, nandos, mcdonald, all the banks所有设施都走路可及
交通:tram, bus去city保守估计30分钟以内。
房间furnished, kitchen, laundry, backyard all available.
the other occupant is a quiet 31yr old male.
call 0421 740 440 for any enquiries. English speaking!

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