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标题: 卖UNISA 商科用书 [打印本页]
作者: wnb1987 时间: 14-3-2013 15:17
标题: 卖UNISA 商科用书
Principle of economics (ECON1008) $50
Bredon, G 2012, study guide to accompany economic principles, 3rd edition, Mc-Graw-Hill, Sydney.
Jackson. j, Mciver. R and Bajada, C2012, Economic principles, 3rd edn, McGraw-Hill, hSydney.
Quantitative methods for business (MATH1053) $ 50
Croucher, John S2010 introductory mathematics and statistics for business, 5th edition, Mcgraw Hill
Marketing principles: trading and exchange (MARK 1010) $50
Kotler, p brown, l burton, s, deans, k& Armstrong, g 2010, marketing, 8th edn, pearson Australia, Frenchs forest
Business Finance/ Finance and investment $50
Petty, J.W., Keown, A.J. et al 2009, Financial Management: Principles and Applications, 5th edition, Pearson Education Australia.
Contract NO: Brendan 0413789896
作者: 艺霏 时间: 14-3-2013 21:51
你好 我想要那本principles of economics 还在不?
作者: wnb1987 时间: 15-3-2013 15:27
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