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标题: 求UNI SA 大一COMMERCE的二手教课书~!!!! 拜托了!! [打印本页]

作者: a458874j    时间: 20-2-2013 21:37
标题: 求UNI SA 大一COMMERCE的二手教课书~!!!! 拜托了!!
求UNI SA 大一COMMERCE的二手教课书~!!!! 拜托了!!


1. Accounting for Business (ACCT 1008)
Hoggett, John,Medlin, John, Edwards, Lew, Tilling, Matthew & Hogg, Evelyn 2012, Accounting,8th Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane
2. Business and Society (BUSS 1057)
Svendsen,L. 2008, Work, Acumen, Stocksfield UK
3. oundations of Business Law (COML 1001)
GibsonA and Fraser D 2013, Foundations of Business Law UniSA COML 1001 Custom Book,7th edn, Pearson, Frenchs Forrest, N.S.W.
4. Communication and Information Systems in Business (BUSS 1058)
Universityof South Australia 2012, Communication and Information Systems in Business,2nd Edition, Pearson, Australia


作者: Doris小多    时间: 21-2-2013 01:25
我有第四个   不过不是2012年的 如果需要的话可与我联系 QQ 308657752 电话 0451995209
作者: kweix007    时间: 2-3-2013 23:11
我除了第一本没有·其他都有!!需要的联系我!qq 286229569

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