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标题: 大量出售阿大,UNISA商科TEXT BOOK [打印本页]

作者: peyton-sun    时间: 28-2-2012 20:09
标题: 大量出售阿大,UNISA商科TEXT BOOK
Year 12 Mathematical studies $20; Business Communication $30; Global Issues for Accounting $30; Contemporary Accounting $40; Accounting in Australia 5th edn $40; Management Information systems for the information age (带光盘) $40;

两本Micro economics,一本是study guide 一本是TEXT BOOK, 一起 $30; Spreadsheet Modelling for Finance 2nd edn; Business Forecasting 8th edn 带光盘$30; 后面两本原价都是上百的。。。Marketing Management 12edn $50, Marketing 7th $ 50;

Problem solving cases $20, International Finance 2nd edn $35; Financial Accounting theory 2nd edn $25; Global Issue for Accounting $30; Making the Grade (for communication) $20; Realworld economics

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