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标题: 请问郑玉桂律师一些交通罚款问题~~~急~~~ [打印本页]

作者: caroline23    时间: 24-2-2012 16:55
标题: 请问郑玉桂律师一些交通罚款问题~~~急~~~
我今天收到了超速的罚单,可当时我没有开车,对方是当时给我修车的厂主(因为我车坏了送去修理的),就在送去的当天他们开了快车,罚单是300刀~可问题是,我当时修车因为图了便宜而且对方也为了偷税所以没有开reciept~今天给了车厂老板(事主),他说应该是他 开的车,可是还没有当面和他讨论,他只说明天带罚单给他看,我现在就在想如果他不承认怎么办?或者如果他不承认我就去写一张免责单然后让gov调查,万一什么都调查不出我需不需要多交罚金。。。。第一次在澳洲遇到这种事情,非常头疼。。。非常感谢您的帮助!!!

作者: caroline23    时间: 24-2-2012 20:19
作者: 郑玉桂律师    时间: 25-2-2012 14:35
Don't worry. If the garage owner does not admit the speeding, please follow the following procedures :-
1. Draft a Declaration in English that on the date of speeding, your car was kept at the garage for repair. You did not drive the car on that particular day. Please state the name, address and telephone number of the garage.
2. Declare the Declaration before a JP or lawyer. You can find a JP in any Police Station or any Law Court.
3. Keep a photocopy for your record.
4. Send the penalty fine and the original Declaration back to the address as indicated on the penalty fine.
Then the Police will investigate from the garage.

Gordon Cheng
Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public

作者: caroline23    时间: 25-2-2012 16:23
回复 郑玉桂律师 的帖子

Thank you very much for your help~~~I found him today and he admitted that~~~Thank you so much!!!

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