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标题: 改车会 被defect 的方面或者已经被defect的同学 [打印本页]

作者: zhuowu    时间: 20-6-2011 21:20
标题: 改车会 被defect 的方面或者已经被defect的同学
本帖最后由 zhuowu 于 2011-8-15 20:53 编辑

以下是改车不可以去做的   我只能说个大概   有错误 有遗漏欢迎指正   指正后即刻更正 并注释
应车友要求 中英文夹带  翻译不准的 请 提醒我  即刻改正  并注释

Blow Off Valve BOV   泄气阀 哇佬
一切aftermarket 的defect.
plump back bov 可以

spacer/blot on spacer  defect

car with coilover   or too low  defect

pot filter without support bracket defect

rims/wheel to big or small,  tyres issues(only allow 1 inch greater than factory stander)  轮胎磨光 或者原厂17' 扩大到19' defect

rims/wheels have to sits under the guard  太宽  宽出车体 defect

exhaust too loud  or to big  无cat 无消声桶  或者直管子 defect

body rust  车身上锈 破损严重defect

sit belt issues 安全带起毛 defect

lights  HID have to under 6000 or 6000   6000以内没事 大于6000的灯就是 蓝   更大就是紫色 晚上路面上很容易就看出来更正HID australia delivery factory stander的没事 其余的HID 看个人运气

全车辅助功能良好包括 雨刷 暖风 horn 转向灯 前后灯   

有些地方警察是睁只眼闭只眼( intercooler,不是太大轮子,别太吵的排气) 所以 警察面前要低调

车身帖纸 和过cool的外形 很容易引起警察注意 还有排气的声音




我转一个 洋鬼子写的 希望有帮助

In Cabin:驾驶室

1.        check every single bulb on your car is functional, including hazards检查各种灯是否工作 包括双闪灯
2.        washer jets work and u have water in the reservoir雨刷器和雨刷储水桶里有水
3.        all of your seats are legal. Seatbelts ALL work. Seat slides forwards and backwards as it is meant to.座椅 安全                     
带合法并正常工作 可前后调整
4.        get subs and amps out. The less non standard stuff they notice, the better. Go in with your car stock as possible. 取出改装的低音炮 和扩大器 和一些非原厂改装件  尽可能的保持原厂
5.        your steering wheel is stock or legal. This applies also to the boss. It cancels the indicators.方向盘合法或原厂
6.        horn works喇叭工作
7.        windows are all working and there’s no crack.车窗工作并且无裂痕
8.        all panels etc are fixed and secure.车身伤痕修复紧凑
9.        tint is legal. Make sure it’s legal. A lot of guys are failing on this. if it’s not, take it off. If you’re not sure, find out. Be sure. 车窗贴膜合法,如果不确定 就拿掉 去过不想拿掉就确认好 很多人因此不能通过
10.        No loose wires anywhere hanging around the place. 不要有任何线路暴露在外面

Sub Frame & Shell:底盘 车身

1.        all boots on everything are in good nick. CV boots, steering boots, strut boots. Mikey didn’t get thru cos of this kind of thing.皮圈 转向球笼皮圈 转向机皮圈 减震顶部皮圈
2.        no significant cracks to subframe or suspension assemblies.车底盘的胶垫 和减震的脚垫要玩好不能有大的裂痕
3.        all panels are fixed and secure. This includes little things like your wheel arch liners, grill, etc. Make sure all your panel pins are in place and doing their job.轮子不能变形 中网不能变形
4.        your aftermarket exhaust isn’t touching anything it shouldn’t, including your *handbrake cable and assembly*改装的排气不能接触不应该接触的地方 包括手刹线和车体
5.        no oil leaks, GB leaks, radiator leaks etc etc etc 发动机不漏油 变速箱不漏油 水箱不漏水

Wheels & Suspension:轮子  减震

1.        your wheel alignment is reasonable (ie wheels aren’t touching, or nearly touching, any suspension componentry)四轮定位   不能有 正负角度的
2.        wheels are legal. If you’re not sure, check. A general rule of thumb is that u can go 2” rim diameter greater and 25mm wider, but check with regency before you go thru. Rules are different for each model, and for different manufacturing years.轮子大小合法 理论上能装比原厂大2寸的宽 25mm的 不同车型不同年份要求不一样 需要自己去确认
3.        tyres in good nick, including your spare tyre.轮胎要可以上路的 包括备胎
4.        brakes are good. Callipers are legal.刹车正常 刹车钳要合法
5.        your ride height is as close to stock as possible.车身高度要尽可能的保持原厂

Engine & Drivetrain:发动机 机舱

1.        you’re not blowing smoke不烧机油
2.        your aftermarket pod is secured. Afm is plugged in, O2 sensor is plugged in. inputs (sensors etc) are plugged.冬菇头要有支持杆  afm要连接 02感应器要连接 等等
3.        your egr is plumbed in and functional.排放控制器连接
4.        no structural rust整体不能上锈
5.        you have documentation to demonstrate that anything non standard meets the relevant Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and Australian Standards (eg steering wheel)有证明一切非原厂设置符合澳洲标准
6.        If you have a visible aftermarket ecu be prepared for an emissions test. It isn’t wise to go thru with anything non standard, especially if it’s visible.任何可视的非原厂电脑 要被做排放测试 非原厂一般不能通过

Your Attitude.态度

1.        Be cool, friendly, and relaxed.放轻松 并且有好
2.        Demonstrate that you respect their rules and knowledge.尊重法规 不要装B
3.        Remember your manners 控制自己的情绪
4.        If they pull you up on anything, politely ask what is needed to make it legal.如果被指责任何地方 有礼貌的询问如何使车辆合法
5.        Bite your tongue. They don't like attitude.紧挨着尾巴做人别装B

作者: Ada    时间: 20-6-2011 21:22

作者: ACC_Ivan    时间: 20-6-2011 21:30
好贴啊。。。我觉得聊聊车事可以直接搬咱们这来了。 哈哈。
作者: ayayayaya    时间: 20-6-2011 21:36
赫赫 说实话很感兴趣 就是木有看懂 呜呜
作者: 古啦琦琪    时间: 21-6-2011 12:30
作者: 大猛哥    时间: 21-6-2011 16:58
提示一点,如果是方向盘的话,原厂有气囊,你再换就必须要有气囊的。补充完毕 顶伍哥~~~
作者: ke.liu.cz4a    时间: 6-12-2011 22:55
作者: S172RG    时间: 15-12-2011 01:01
作者: 迷糊难得    时间: 6-1-2012 16:38

作者: skygyg    时间: 15-5-2012 00:15
发动机漏油   我靠 这个可能defect 很多老车啊
作者: skygyg    时间: 15-5-2012 00:15
发动机漏油也要defect  这个要defect多少老车啊

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