俺也遇到过一个极品房东,南京人,合同期间涨价20块每周。从此再也不相信南京那一左一右了作者: 张叶 时间: 8-4-2011 21:17
ddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: happykin6 时间: 8-4-2011 23:20
u offer more discount that is why u happy to buy. u test the aircond in first place.and u knew isnt cold,that is why the girl offer u a better price.so u can use that money either to check or fix the air cond.about the rego. everybody who own car in australia knows they must do rego or transfer name by themselve,no excuse.
u say u send u sms and change her promise.
by right.she not all wrong. cause u just pay her $100.00 deposit.the same u can change u mind not to buy her car after a few day as well.she ends up then losing more of her time untill she find another buying again.作者: happykin6 时间: 8-4-2011 23:21
同意你的观点,.二手的东西,事前可以谈价钱,你自己也看好质量.不懂就找专家看.: m0 J( ?+ }7 S, J7 E
time is money exactly作者: ANDERXON 时间: 8-4-2011 23:57