UNISA 1)国际商务专业~Master of international business专业的IBM,GBE两个课程的共同课本。开卷考试,所以都要准备一本课本哦,本人刚刚考完~ Hill,C.W.L 2009, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin.----价格:40刀
2)会计专业 master of accounting 专业的信息科技课本Information and Systems for Competitive Advantage M。(必修课)---价格;30 刀
Turban, E., McLean, E., and Wetherbe, J. 2005, Information Technology for Management: Transforming Organizations in the Digital Economy, 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons (ISBN 0-471-70522-5).
3)master of accounting专业的统计学课本Analytical Techniques for Accountants(必修课)---价格:30刀
Berenson M L, Levine D M, Krehbiel T C 2005, Basic Business Statistics Concepts and Applications, 10th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall.作者: rose86 时间: 17-12-2010 13:09
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