标题: 家里有好多极小的虫子!!!! [打印本页] 作者: 珺儿 时间: 5-12-2010 17:05 标题: 家里有好多极小的虫子!!!! 最近两天发现的,一开始觉得睡觉的时候脸上总是痒,还以为是自己的头发,今天看到桌子上出现一些黄褐色极小极小的虫子,不超过1mm,不注意根本看不到,爬得很快,看上去是圆的,不是细长的,头部好像有绒毛,窗台上有好多............我的窗户是朝南的,有没有人知道这到底是什么虫啊?咬人不?冬天的时候没有的。我拿超市买的杀虫剂一喷,它们就马上死掉了,但是看不见喷不到的地方怎么办啊?!!!{:4_156:}作者: 珺儿 时间: 5-12-2010 17:17
爬来爬去............我头皮发麻..............作者: 珺儿 时间: 5-12-2010 20:08
顶起来顶起来作者: baochenxi 时间: 5-12-2010 20:12
怎么老有说虫子的啊 吓人。。。作者: 珺儿 时间: 5-12-2010 20:56
真的,烦死我了,全身觉得痒痒作者: 珺儿 时间: 6-12-2010 22:01
被咬了,今天身上有红色的小包包........痒作者: TearsOnYou 时间: 7-12-2010 10:01
这个。。。没见过的说。。。。不过还是小心为秒。。作者: aliens 时间: 7-12-2010 19:35
i got the same problem. If you put your cover under direct sunshine, more will come out.
dont know how to get rid of them作者: 珺儿 时间: 8-12-2010 21:22 回复 8#aliens
那咋办?我已经被咬了,就是最近热起来了才有的,好可怕作者: aliens 时间: 8-12-2010 21:51 回复 9#珺儿
i got bitten too. Go to coles to buy Hovex Camphor. it kills moth and silverfish....i bought ont today and hope it works作者: Frank_FAN 时间: 8-12-2010 22:00
你家没养猫吧?你观察它们会跳不?会不会是跳蚤啊,就是猫身上带的。那样会很麻烦的。作者: Frank_FAN 时间: 8-12-2010 23:02
一旦被它叮咬,比蚊子叮咬的还难受。作者: nancy1988 时间: 9-12-2010 22:37
楼主,请问你买的哪种杀虫剂?作者: aliens 时间: 10-12-2010 08:45 回复 13#nancy1988
Silverfish consume matter that contains polysaccharides, such as starches and dextrin in adhesives.[4] These include glue, book bindings, paper, photos, sugar, coffee, hair, carpet, clothing and dandruff. Silverfish can also cause damage to tapestries. Other substances that may be eaten include cotton, linen, silk, synthetic fibres and dead insects or even its own exuvia (moulted exoskeleton). During famine, a silverfish may even attack leatherware and synthetic fabrics. Silverfish can live for a year or more without eating.[2][4]
Silverfish are considered a household pest, due to their consumption and destruction of property.[2] Although they are responsible for the contamination of food and other types of damage, they do not transmit disease.[4][10]
Earwigs, house centipedes and spiders are known to be predators of silverfish.[11][12]作者: NinaNina 时间: 12-12-2010 14:58
去问问你的邻居是否也有同样的虫子?你就知道是怎么回事了。作者: NinaNina 时间: 12-12-2010 15:00
风吹也会过敏?纯空气不会过敏。是否花粉草粉过敏?最好去看看医生。作者: shirley_1999_80 时间: 13-12-2010 08:16
我去看了医生,说空气中带有一些物质,具体啥也不知道。造成这个空气过敏了。给开了两粒过敏灵回来一天吃一粒,一下就好了。还真的是很灵。作者: Tim_Judy 时间: 13-12-2010 08:20 回复 1#珺儿
is your house carpet? is it 'manchong'?作者: 珺儿 时间: 13-12-2010 18:18