要求方便到阿大 走路20分钟或者TRAM都可以接受 希望室友没有不良嗜好 无宠物 房子不能超过4个人 网络要够用 可短租到12月底 或者半年的合同 10月初可入住作者: ice~芊芊 时间: 18-9-2010 17:30 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D1作者: 1616 时间: 18-9-2010 18:21
-10分鐘到city,bus stop5B一大HOUSE房間出租!
-近city,Hilton區bus stop 5B一大房間出租.
-非常方便坐bus到UNISA的東,西校區& ADELAIDE UNI(基本都是在校區門口or2分鐘步 行以內)
-電話 or SMS to:0433669460作者: cshaun 时间: 18-9-2010 19:39 http://www.adelaidebbs.com/bbs/v ... &extra=page%3D1 很适合你, 可以短租 到12月底 价格也很便宜作者: qianqian0914 时间: 19-9-2010 14:15
顶顶~~~~~~~~~~~~作者: qindong 时间: 19-9-2010 14:51
房屋类型 Room
屋内设施 全家具
楼层 -
交通状况 city
租金 150-200
电话 0425797688 0422214148 双休日全天,工作日4点后
QQ 734018439
邮箱 [email protected]
到CHINATOWN步行5分钟,带独立卫浴。全包,ADSL2+200G,租约3个月,即可住。作者: Joanne2504 时间: 19-9-2010 18:56
My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 3 Asian girls, most of them are studying in University.
My room has own bathroom, own television, own microwave, double bed, sharing washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 including the water bill.
If anyone is interested on this room, it is available at the beginning of October, please leave your message to my e-mail address ([email protected]), call me 0432559811 (Joanne) or my landlord - Fin (0431808908), female, can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
*** welcome for inspection***
>>>Please contact me as soon as possible, my name is called Joanne<<<