大房都是queen size bed + 雙衣櫃作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 27-8-2010 17:24
{:4_120:}作者: huokui 时间: 27-8-2010 20:45
couple可否?作者: xiaosha 时间: 27-8-2010 21:36
能做全包吗?作者: Joanne2504 时间: 27-8-2010 22:15
My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.
My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.
If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
***I am welcome for inspection***
>>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!
Don't miss out!!!!!作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 28-8-2010 00:37
可以couple, +35
要全包的請參考我另一間hectorville的房子作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 28-8-2010 00:48
有興趣的請手機連絡安排看房作者: 甜酒 时间: 28-8-2010 10:01
房子不错,大房全包多少?作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 28-8-2010 10:16
這次不敢全包了作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 28-8-2010 14:54
我又放新圖片了作者: zeddx 时间: 28-8-2010 16:28
手机号码多了一位作者: aliceyf 时间: 28-8-2010 23:32
city townhouse ,13 hamley st. 走去Chinatown 至于需要5分钟 走10分钟 可到维多利亚广场 出门就有G10公车 可到 king william st 270一周 全包 双人间 couple 住 或者找人合租都是很好的 两人平摊 也就135一周 在city 这个价位很少了!!房东人很好 是香港人 方便交流 有什么要求 也会满足 !! 有兴趣给我回复 ivy 0430102757 如果要租可以联系QQ 413024855 可以给你图片
还有长期免费的车位哦 10月1日可入住作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 31-8-2010 23:46
Soorry it should be
0423811228作者: szdma 时间: 1-9-2010 00:19
你好,我们想租大房,明天可以看房吗作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 1-9-2010 11:10
I am on holiday at the moment, please ring the mobile number, my mum will open the house for inspection, sorry I need to type enlgish cos this computer cannot type chinese作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 2-9-2010 01:00
Ding ding ding作者: 潇99 时间: 2-9-2010 01:43
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 3-9-2010 01:56
Ddddddddddddding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 13-9-2010 13:01
終於可以繼續頂了作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 14-9-2010 15:24
dingdingding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 14-9-2010 18:49
dingdingding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 14-9-2010 18:52
dingsdingding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 15-9-2010 12:28
dingdingdingding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 15-9-2010 21:11
dingdingding.........作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 15-9-2010 23:38
頂上去頂上去作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 16-9-2010 11:01
dingdingding....作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 16-9-2010 15:16
dingdingding作者: prettyhouse2 时间: 17-9-2010 01:06