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  • 美军航母重新部署 朝鲜半岛走向“失控”?(图)

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    发布时间: 10-4-2017 06:55


    “” 当地时间4月8日,据美国国防部透露,以“卡尔?文森”号为首的美国航母战斗群已经奉命调往朝鲜半岛。这是近两周来美国第二次在朝鲜半岛附近海域部署航母。尽管美军在该地区的行动并不罕见。但特朗普(Donal ...


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    回复 jian11 发表于 24-4-2017 10:54:01
    卡卡看 发表于 24-4-2017 10:13
    你就一愤青(粪青), 你还管天管地管人拉屎放屁啊???

    You cannot sustain yourself any more, except "going rogue" ,like, the ilks of "littlelu" on this bbs, to backdown.

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    回复 jian11 发表于 24-4-2017 10:44:05
    卡卡看 发表于 24-4-2017 10:13
    你就一愤青(粪青), 你还管天管地管人拉屎放屁啊???

    You already "conceded" by saying "big brother, you won" and "applogized" here, according to your previous posts, no matter under what circumstances.

    Suddenly, you think that your chance for retaliation is  coming , as "littlelu" and "Aklass11" was arguing with me here. What a pathetic loser you are!

    Is my analysis right?  That's why I said that what you behave is not consistent with your age!!!  You should have your own independent mindset and ideas!!!  And Low ilks will never come to the real and staunch alliance!!!

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    回复 jian11 发表于 24-4-2017 10:31:47
    卡卡看 发表于 24-4-2017 10:13
    你就一愤青(粪青), 你还管天管地管人拉屎放屁啊???

    Just visited your profile.

    Cann't imagine and understand your mindset and your language by your age.
    You just fit yourself into that low ilks.

    Why your ilks are always using the words, like "shabi", "la shi and fang pi", etc. ?  Is this the whole essence and the only thing in your life??? You know by yourself, That doesn't work at all in convincing others, except shaming yourself and fitting yourself into that catergory.

    I know, you are shameless, as you don't know what I mean.  I reckon.  Not like, littlelu and Aklass111, who is "confident" to challenge my english, although this has not happened at the moment in this bbs!

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    回复 jian11 发表于 24-4-2017 10:19:51
    卡卡看 发表于 24-4-2017 10:13
    你就一愤青(粪青), 你还管天管地管人拉屎放屁啊???

    Low ilks like you will never form any real and staunch alliance.

    DO you agree?
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    回复 卡卡看 发表于 24-4-2017 10:13:04
    jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 17:15
    You don't have to appologize!!!
    You don't have to blame yourself!!!

    你就一愤青(粪青), 你还管天管地管人拉屎放屁啊???
    回复 jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 18:10:53
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:42
    不和你玩了, 没劲

    Stay tuned in this bbs, especially in International News Column.
    Chanllege me!

    Can You???

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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 18:03:30
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:42
    不和你玩了, 没劲

    This post is so contradictory with your other replies in some of the posts here in this bbs.

    You try to show you are a decent and educated gentleman or gentlewoman by posting some chinese traditional poems, unfortunately you nasty languages "wo kuo, or wo cao(meaing " I fk") belies you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 17:55:34
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:42
    不和你玩了, 没劲

    To be honest, I "spend more time" on line in this bbs than some of the bbs-paid-staffs.

    It's my job!!!

    Believe or not?  This bbs will be a witness, if they have a on-line time record!!!

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    回复 jian11 发表于 19-4-2017 17:47:17
    卡卡看 发表于 19-4-2017 16:53
    唉, 我就是好奇才问你为什么打英文, 你竟然理解成我在责怪你, 对不起,是我错了,耽误你工作了, 我向你道歉 ...

    To be frank 1,

    "Discretion is the best part of valour",  if you can understand this proberb!!!
    You don't have to apologize, but you have to respect other people's choice!!! This is the basic rule to survive here in Australia.

    To be honest 2,
    I myself didn't stick the rule of "discretion", as I am afraid that you probably speaking better London English than BBC broadcasters and better American English than CNN broadcasters.  Do you understand what I am saying???

    Chanllenge or Ignore!!!
    The lesson you have to learn!!!

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