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  • Res 2/9 Regency Road Kilkenny SA 5009

    浏览人气 : 5884
    2/9 Regency Road Kilkenny SA 5009 Property Number : 1117488 价格 : 397,500 2 2 1


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    0432 235 818


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    Res 2/9 Regency Road Kilkenny SA 5009



    "No. 9 REGENCY" Townhouses
    Cutting edge designed townhouses in exciting high profile location.

    Award winning APS Homes (Major Winners of both 2015 and 2016 HIA South Australia Townhouse/ Villa Development) is proud to release another outstanding new townhouse development in this most popular inner city suburb location, offering an affordable opportunity for first home buyers to buy into the market, a semi -retirement option for those downsizing and an outstanding investment opportunity for the astute investor.

    Enviably situated just 7.5 kms from Adelaide's CBD, directly opposite Arndale Shopping Precinct, 1.5 kms from TAFE Regency Campus, 10 minutes to some of Adelaide's most popular beaches and a short stroll to transport hub, movies and a multitude of cosmopolitan restaurant options - an exciting and buzzing location.

    Choose from seven townhouses all with a minimum of two double bedrooms, two sparkling bathrooms, large open plan living with access onto balcony, modern kitchen, private courtyard and lock up garage under the main roof.

    Simply relax, sit back and wait for your own "turn-key" finish including:

    . 2.7m high ceilings
    . Reverse cycle ducted air conditioning
    . 20mm kitchen stone bench tops
    . Stainless steel kitchen appliances
    . 1.8m high Colourbond fencing
    . Stainless steel dishwasher
    . Laminated Timber Flooring 8mm
    . Quality carpet to bedrooms & stairs
    . Downlights to kitchen & living
    . Walk-in and/or built in robes
    . Gas hot water system
    . Insulation to external walls & ceilings
    . Landscaping

    Please contact us for details of all "Premium Specifications & Inclusions".

    Special Offer "Builder's Discount" - Buy before 31st December, 2016 and receive a discount of $7,500.
    First Home Owner's Grant - $15,000 (on brand new properties).

    BBS提醒: 请避免提前支付订金、押金等任何费用,请与对方当面沟通,确认资质并看清条款。谨防上当受骗。

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