本帖最后由 新石器留学移民 于 2014-6-18 12:28 编辑
【移民政策】新财年会计EOI名额减至5000 根据《澳洲人报》周末版最新报道,会计职业将继续保留在独立技术移民职业清单(SOL)上,但是其配额会有所减少,请见下文: 联邦政府将下个财年的技术移民签证总额限制在43,990个。SOL上的每个职业的名额都将控制在该职业总数的6%以内。中介一致认为,会计职业名额将限制在4.5%,但是澳大利亚移民部助理部长Michaelia Cash说政府已经决定将会计名额进一步减少至3%。 参议员Cash说下个财年会计职业将减至大约5000个名额。 原文如下: The “Weekend Australian” carried areport that the occupation of accountant is to be left on the SkilledOccupations List but that places available for accountants will be reduced -below is an extract from the article: The government has capped the program at43,990 skilled visas next financial year. For each of the professions on thelist, the number of positions available is capped at 6 per cent of theoccupation’s workforce. After the agency agreed to -reduce the cap foraccountants to 4.5 per cent, the Assistant Minister for Immigration, MichaeliaCash, said the government had decided to reduce the cap further to 3 per cent. Senator Cash said the new -occupationalceiling would limit the number of accountancy places to about 5000 nextfinancial year. 虽然会计名额将从去年的9720减至5000个,名额缩减近一半,但是根据2013-14财年统计,至今会计名额也只用去了5475个,所以会计同学也不必过多担心。 新石器移民专家认为这一变化对会计专业的技术移民的影响目前看来不会太大,但是同时提醒该专业同学们一定要尽早递交EOI。较晚递交意味着需要与更多的人竞争所剩无几的配额,也有可能需要更高的分数才能在签证到期内获邀。同时,为了保证EOI迅速获邀,同学们也要积极寻找合理的加分方式,努力考出更好的语言成绩,或者趁早报读PY和NATTI课程。 为了新一届即将毕业的莘莘学子新石器准备了各种PY+NAATI的优惠活动,具体请咨询我们哦!
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