如题,求一名supervising driver!
本人正在努力L牌转P牌中,自己有车,求有2年以上澳洲full license的陪练一名,陪我开车,并且签logbook, 20刀/小时。
- must have a current full licence applicable to the class of vehicle being driven that has been held for the preceding two years (not a learner's permit, provisional or probationary licence)
- must not have been disqualified from driving in the past two years.
- must not have a licence that is subject to good behaviour conditions
- must be seated immediately alongside you at all times while you are driving.
我现在已经跟教练上过课程了,有独立驾车能力,只是需要您的一点指导。 如果您比较有空,我的想法是:我们可以开我的车去阿德周边半日游或者一日游半日游,您可以开车过来我家(住北边Prospect Rd, Stop 13),把车停在我家,然后我们开我的车出去,报酬按我实际开车的时间计算。 具体时间,地点可以根据双方的情况再商量。
请符合要求,又有空余时间的朋友跟我联系一下吧 。 手机: 0430 666 675 (vodafone) 因为白天比较忙,最好短信联系。 小女子在此谢谢各位。 O(∩_∩)O