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    [商科] 有同学在unisa 读master of business (property)的吗?

    Only_E 发表于 29-7-2013 17:17:34
    xiezhao152 发表于 2012-12-7 18:41

    hi there sorry i cannot type in chinese at the moment. I'm still deciding if i should take the property course as my elective for my master degree. Can you give any suggests? what do u think of the course? is it easy or not. just tell me anything you would like to share about what you learnt and ur experience:) very Much appreaciate!
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    Only_E 发表于 16-9-2013 23:07:49
    xiezhao152 发表于 2013-7-30 22:12
    相比于会计的课,这个专业有点难,也许是因为都是external,所以平时也没怎么关注过,都是考试时再从头看 ...

    谢谢你的回复! 本来我是想选这个课作为specialization的主修。。但是因为我会计有三门课免修了。。 program director说我就不能选property作为主修了因为四门都是external。。。太多了。。。
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