State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Residence) (Subclass 892)
About this Visa How this Visa Works Eligibility Obligations Applying for this Visa
Main Applicant Eligibility
On this page
Provisional visa holder
Health requirement
Character requirement
Ownership interest
Annual turnover
Acceptable business record
Time in Australia
Other requirements
Australian Values Statement
Application document checklist
To be eligible for this visa you must have met the obligations of the provisional visa you held, as well as the following requirements. You must provide evidence of each of the requirements with your application.
Provisional visa holder
You are the holder of one of the following visas:
Business Owner (Provisional)
State/Territory Sponsored Business Owner (Provisional)
Senior Executive (Provisional)
State/Territory Sponsored Senior Executive (Provisional)
State/Territory Sponsored Investor (Provisional)
Business (Long Stay) Independent Executive visa
Skilled – Independent Regional (Provisional)
Health requirement
You must meet certain health requirements and may need to undergo a health examination.
See: Health Requirements
Character requirement
All family members must be of good character to enter Australia.
See: Character and Penal Clearance Requirements
You have been sponsored by an appropriate regional authority of a State/ Territory government.
Ownership interest
You have had and continue to have, an ownership interest and direct and continuous management, in up to two actively operating main business in Australia for at least two years immediately before you apply.
For each of these businesses, an Australian Business Number has been obtained for all Business Activity Statements (BAS) required by the Australian Taxation Office and you can provide evidence that the BAS were lodged to the ATO for the 2 years before you lodged your visa application.
Acceptable business record
You (or your partner) have never been involved in unacceptable business activities.
Time in Australia
You have been in Australia for at least one (1) year cumulatively in the two (2) years before you apply.
Other requirements
You must also meet at least two of the following three requirements (unless the appropriate state/territory authority has determined there are exceptional circumstances).
Net business assets
The net value of your (or your and your partner's combined) assets in the main business (or two main business) in Australia is at least A$75,000 throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply.
Net personal and business assets
The net value of your (or you and your partner's combined) personal and business assets in Australia has been at least A$250,000 throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply.
Provided employment
Throughout the 12 months immediately before you apply your (or your and your partner's) business or two main businesses employed at least the equivalent of one full-time employee who are:
Australian citizens, permanent residents or New Zealand passport holders
not members of your family.
Annual turnover
Your main business (or two main businesses together), had a turnover of at least $200,000 in the 12 months immediately before you apply.
See: Definitions
This may not apply if you meet all of the following conditions:
you met at least two of the three requirements above (Net Business Assets, Net personal and business assets, Provided employment)
the appropriate State/Territory authority has determined there are exceptional circumstances
both your business and residence is located in a designated regional or low growth area
See: Regional Australia/Low Population Growth Metropolitan Areas
Australian Values Statement
If you are aged 18 years or over, you are required to sign an Australian values statement. The statement is included in your visa application form and all applicants aged 18 years and over will need to sign it to confirm that they will respect the Australian way of life and obey Australian laws. Before signing this statement you are required to have read, or had explained to you, material made available by the government on life in Australia which is contained in the Life in Australia book.
The Life in Australia book provides more information on the values that Australians share and their way of life.
Australian Values - Overview
Life in Australia Book
Application document checklist
The checklist provides all the information and supporting documents that you may be asked to provide with your application.
See: Application document checklist (73KB PDF file)
Before lodging an application, please read all related eligibility requirements.
See: Other eligibility
有的朋友只是隔几个月做一单生意...一单生意也许只需要半个月就做成了...然后就是一片空白.....然后几个月以后又一单生意....这样做不是不可以..但中间不可以是一片空白......你要证明...你对公司的持续的管理.包括你和客户的往来邮件.和员工之间的往来邮件...如果你英文不好...你和你的翻译之间的往来邮件...需要日积月累的东西来证明...不是说我反正弄几单生意够了几十万就行了的....做一百万也没用...如果你不能挣明你的生意是真正的持续的在运作..并且你是参与其中的.切记切记.作者: marialee 时间: 1-9-2009 14:54
占........................................................................作者: 黓-漠北 时间: 1-9-2009 15:06
要求貌似增高了...T.T...营业额要25W还是30W了...个人资产是25W了...原来是20W...现在要求尽量保留所有单据和通信记录...而且要求主申请人必须参与公司管理...唉...日子不好过啊...作者: hua 时间: 2-9-2009 23:16
楼主写的还是太简单,现在联邦移民局对进出口贸易的要求已经不简单只是楼主写的那么简单,移民法上面写的没有错,而是申请人如何理解及运用才是真的!作者: marialee 时间: 3-9-2009 12:01
是....还没写完呢.......还有贸易相关的一些定义...大家在理解上也有误差....弄到现在....生意做了不少...钱花了很多....移民局不承认你做的生意.......作者: RAN2071003 时间: 3-9-2009 19:10
澳洲政府的花招多的很,改变政策的权利在别人手上,所以被动是正常的。作者: hua 时间: 5-9-2009 10:26 本帖最后由 hua 于 2009-9-5 10:28 编辑